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Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 3.x

An asset by mavcito
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Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 3.x

Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) is an asset that improves touch input support (includes new gestures) in the Godot game engine. You just need to autoload a script and it will start analyzing the touch input. When a gesture is detected a Custom Input Event corresponding to the detected gesture will be created and fed up to the Godot built in Input Event system so it triggers functions like _input(InputEvent event). There is also a signal for each gesture if you prefer using signals to the aforementioned.

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Modified Date
1 year ago
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Godot Touch Input Manager

Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) is an asset that improves touch input support (includes new gestures) in the Godot game engine. You just need to autoload a script and it will start analyzing the touch input. When a gesture is detected a Custom Input Event corresponding to the detected gesture will be created and fed up to the Godot built in Input Event system so it triggers functions like _input(InputEvent event). There is also a signal for each gesture if you prefer using signals to the aforementioned.

This asset was ported to be added to Godot and is now a milestone for version 4.0 (PR).

How to use







Supported gestures

Gesture name Signal Custom input event / Signal arg Description
Single finger touch single_touch InputEventSingleScreenTouch Touch with a single finger
Single finger tap single_tap InputEventSingleScreenTap Fast press and release with a single finger
Single finger long press single_long_press InputEventSingleScreenLongPress Press and hold with a single finger
Single finger drag single_drag InputEventSingleScreenDrag Drag with a single finger
Single finger swipe single_swipe InputEventSingleScreenSwipe Fast drag and release with a single finger
Multiple finger tap multi_tap InputEventMultiScreenTap Fast press and release with multiple fingers
Multiple finger long press multi_long_press InputEventMultiScreenLongPress Press and hold with multiple fingers
Multiple finger drag multi_drag InputEventMultiScreenDrag Drag with multiple fingers (same direction)
Multiple finger swipe multi_swipe InputEventMultiScreenTap Fast drag and release with multiple fingers
Pinch pinch InputEventScreenPinch Drag with multiple fingers (inward/outward)
Twist twist InputEventScreenTwist Drag with multiple fingers (rotate)
Raw gesture raw_gesture RawGesture Raw gesture state

When one of these gestures is detected a Custom Input Event corresponding to the detected gesture will be created and fed up to the Godot built in Input Event system so it triggers functions like _input(InputEvent event).

Gesture emulation

The gestures can be triggered by named input actions with specific names. If the input action does not exists there is a default event that will trigger the gesture.

The following table shows the default event and the names of the input actions that will trigger each of the gestures that can be emulated.

Gesture name Input action name Default event
Single touch single_touch *
Multiple touch (2 fingers) multi_touch Middle click
Pinch (outward) pinch_outward Scroll up
Pinch (inward) pinch_inward Scroll down
Twist twist Right click
Single finger swipe (up) single_swipe_up w
Single finger swipe (up-right) single_swipe_up_right e
Single finger swipe (right) single_swipe_right d
Single finger swipe (down-right) single_swipe_down_right c
Single finger swipe (down) single_swipe_down x
Single finger swipe (down-left) single_swipe_down_left z
Single finger swipe (left) single_swipe_left a
Single finger swipe (left-up) single_swipe_up_left q
Multiple finger swipe (up) multi_swipe_up i
Multiple finger swipe (up-right) multi_swipe_up_right o
Multiple finger swipe (right) multi_swipe_right l
Multiple finger swipe (down-right) multi_swipe_down_right .
Multiple finger swipe (down) multi_swipe_down ,
Multiple finger swipe (down-left) multi_swipe_down_left m
Multiple finger swipe (left) multi_swipe_left j
Multiple finger swipe (left-up) multi_swipe_up_left u

* There are two options to enable single finger gestures:

  1. Go to Project > Project Settings > General > Input Devices > Pointing and turn on Emulate Touch From Mouse to emulate a single finger touch with the left click.
  2. Go to Project > Project Settings > General > Input Devices > Pointing and turn off both Emulate Touch From Mouse and Emulate Mouse From Touch. Then set an input action called single_touch.


These are located in the first lines of, to change them modify the values on the script.

Name Default value Description
DEFAULT_BINDIGS true Enable or disable default events for gesture emulation
DEBUG false Enable or disable debug information
DRAG_STARTUP_TIME 0.2 Seconds from the first native drag event to the first single finger drag custom event
FINGER_SIZE 100.0 The distance between the fingers must be less than fingers*FINGER_SIZE pixels for the multiple finger tap and multiple finger swipe gestures to be recognized. Setting it to INF removes this restriction.
MULTI_FINGER_RELEASE_THRESHOLD 0.1 All fingers must be released within MULTI_FINGER_REALEASE_THRESHOLD seconds before the gesture ends for the multiple finger tap and multiple finger swipe gestures to be recognized
TAP_TIME_LIMIT 0.2 The time between the first press and the last release must be less than TAP_TIME_LIMIT seconds for the single finger tap and multiple finger tap gestures to be recognized
TAP_DISTANCE_LIMIT 25.0 The centroid of the finger presses must differ less than TAP_DISTANCE_LIMIT pixels from the centroid of the finger releases for the single finger tap and multiple finger tap gestures to be recognized.
SWIPE_TIME_LIMIT 0.5 The time between the first press and the last release must be less than SWIPE_TIME_LIMIT seconds for the single finger swipe and multiple finger swipe gestures to be recognized.
SWIPE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD 200.0 The centroid of the finger presses must differ by more than SWIPE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD pixels from the centroid of the finger releases for the single finger swipe and multiple finger swipe gestures to be recognized.
LONG_PRESS_TIME_THRESHOLD 0.75 The fingers must press for LONG_PRESS_TIME_THRESHOLD seconds for single-finger long press and multi-finger long press gestures to be recognized.
LONG_PRESS_DISTANCE_LIMIT 25.0 The centroid of the finger presses must differ less than LONG_PRESS_DISTANCE_LIMIT pixels from the centroid of the fingers last positions for the single finger long press and multiple finger long press gestures to be recognized.


Using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases.


  • Federico Ciuffardi

Feel free to append yourself here if you've made contributions.


Thank you for checking out this repository, you can send all your questions and comments to [email protected].

If you are willing to contribute in any way, please contact me.

Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) is an asset that improves touch input support (includes new gestures) in the Godot game engine. You just need to autoload a script and it will start analyzing the touch input. When a gesture is detected a Custom Input Event corresponding to the detected gesture will be created and fed up to the Godot built in Input Event system so it triggers functions like _input(InputEvent event). There is also a signal for each gesture if you prefer using signals to the aforementioned.


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Quick Information

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Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 3.x icon image
Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 3.x

Godot Touch Input Manager (GDTIM) is an asset that improves touch input support (includes new gestures) in the Godot game engine. You just need to autoload a script and it will start analyzing the touch input. When a gesture is detected a Custom Input Event corresponding to the detected gesture will be created and fed up to the Godot built in Input Event system so it triggers functions like _input(InputEvent event). There is also a signal for each gesture if you prefer using signals to the aforementioned.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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