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Csv Animations Builder icon image
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Csv Animations Builder

# csv-animations-builderThis is a plugin for Godot that reads properties from a CSV file, creates animations based on the data, and integrates them into the `AnimationPlayer`.## How to Use### Preparations- Ensure your scene includes a `Sprite2D` and an `AnimationPlayer`, with the `Sprite2D` set as the root node.- Prepare a CSV file following the format provided in the example [here](addons/csv-animations-builder/example/Atlas_Animations_Data.csv). See [CSV File](#csv-file) for more details.- Have an image containing all the frames for your animations, either as an Atlas or a Sprite Sheet. This image will serve as the texture for your `Sprite2D`.## Importing the CSV- In the editor, select the CSV file and navigate to the 'Import' tab.- Choose 'CSV Data' as the import type.- Click the 'Import' button below.## Adding the Node to Your Scene- Add the `AnimationsImporter` node as a child of your `AnimationPlayer`.- Assign your CSV file to the `Csv Resource` property.- A list will appear showing the animations that will be configured in the `AnimationPlayer`.- Click on 'Import Animations'.- The existing animations in the `AnimationPlayer` will be removed and replaced with the new ones from the CSV.## Intention- The purpose of this plugin is to allow your artist, animator, or you (Hi, solo developer), to manage the CSV with all updates or changes to the animations. Whenever the CSV is updated, simply re-import the CSV and re-import the animations through the node. You won't have to add animations by hand anymore!## CSV File- The CSV file should contain the following columns: - animation_name: The name of the animation. - frame_coords_start_x / frame_coords_start_y: Coordinates in pixels of the lower-left corner of the region encapsulating this animation on your atlas. - frame_size_x / frame_size_y: The size of this animation region in pixels. - frame_duration_ms: The duration each frame appears on the screen in milliseconds. This is the inverse of frames per second. - frame_count: The number of frames in your animation. - autoplay_on_load: Specifies whether this animation should play upon game start. Set this to true for only one animation. - loop: Indicates whether this animation should repeat (loop) upon completion.

Extra Controls icon image
Extra Controls

A collection of control nodes usable in a variety of games and GUI applications.Containers:- Interpolated Box/Flow: Containers that smoothly animate children when they enter or change order. Drag-and-drop reordering, drag-and-drop between containers, vertical layout and compacting children to fit are features supported in the Box variant.- ScaleContainer: When resized, scales children instead of resizing them. With the integer scale setting, can be used for pixel-perfect viewports.- Child Transform Container: transform a Control's children while preserving minimum size.- Draggable: node that can be dragged and resized with the mouse pointer, with grid snapping, parent-clipping, and a visible resize margin.- ScrollZoomView: node that can have one child and allows to scroll and zoom using the mouse. Allows smooth zoom.- MaxSizeContainer: Limits child size to a max size.- View Switcher: Keeps only one child, and optionally a background, visible.Utility:- Remote Transform Rect: transform a Control remotely similar to RemoteTransform2D/3D- Data Dropper: passes drag-and-drop via signal- Flipped Split: SplitContainer anchored to the other side for when the parent is resizedInput:- Theme Icon Button: I use it in my other plugins all the time! Grabs icon from theme by name.- Properties Box: Form to input values like you'd use the inspector. Strings, bools, numbers (sliders supported) and enums. Allows foldable groups.- Unfolded Option Button: list of options, pick one or use as bit flags

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