Unicode Normalizer

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Unicode Normalizer

Tookit to handle removing diacritics and substitutable characters from unicode strings.Provides a UnicodeNormalizer singleton that helps normalize your unicode strings by :- removing diacritics (decomposing, then keeping only the first character)- substituting fallback characters- being blazingly fast (binary search)- being lightweight- being extensibleIts replacement database is built from the official unicode.org data. It is only about 16Kio.Usage Example :You can use the `normalize` method on the autoload singleton `UnicodeNormalizer`:UnicodeNormalizer.normalize("Dès Noël, où un zéphyr haï me vêt")# "Des Noel, ou un zephyr hai me vet"You can also exclude some characters from the normalization by removing the from the mapping :var allowed_decomposables := "éàè"for i in allowed_decomposables.length():UnicodeNormalizer.mapping.remove_decomposable(allowed_decomposables.unicode_at(i))Finally, the UnicodeNormalizer is made to be extended, in order to adapt to specific needs.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
10 months ago
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Unicode Godot Addon

Tookit to handle removing diacritics and substitutable characters from unicode strings.


This singleton helps normalize your unicode strings by:

  • removing diacritics (decomposing, then keeping only the first character)
  • substituting fallback characters
  • being blazingly fast (binary search)


This Resource is our database of replacements, used by the UnicodeNormalizer. It is built from the official unicode.org data.

It is only about 16Kio, and is derived from 1.9Mio of raw data.

Basic Usage

You can use the normalize method on the autoload singleton UnicodeNormalizer:

UnicodeNormalizer.normalize("Dès Noël, où un zéphyr haï me vêt")
# "Des Noel, ou un zephyr hai me vet"

Advanced Usage

The UnicodeNormalizer is made to be extended, to be tailored to your font capabilities and needs.

Here, the font supports some french diacritics, but only uppercase characters:

# file "MyFontNormalizer.gd"
extends UnicodedNormalizerNode

var characters_in_my_font := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ÉÈÊËÀÂÄÔÖÙÛÜÇ"

func should_skip_character(character: String, _character_code: int) -> bool:
    return self.characters_in_my_font.contains(character)

func normalize(some_string: String) -> String:
    return super.normalize(some_string.to_upper())

This is a naive/inefficient implementation to keep the example short and simple. A more performant implementation would use binary search on a sorted array.

Testing & Benchmarking

See tests/. It is safe to delete that directory if you want to save space in your game.


Everything happens on the software forge : https://github.com/Goutte/godot-unicode-normalizer

Achitectural Decisions Records

Case Sensitivity

To keep maximum flexibility, we decided not to cast to lowercase.

It is trivially done in Godot with the method String.to_lower(), so you can do it yourselves if you need to.

Binary Normalization Mapping

The normalization mapping is provided as a compressed res file, weighing only about 16Kio. If you'd prefer a tres file (about 75Kio), you can generate it yourselves using the same tools as we did.

You will need to download about 1.9Mio of raw CSV and JSON source files from unicode.org's repositories first.

See NormalizationMapping.from_source() and the test file for information on how to proceed.

Ad Hoc Test Suite

We did not want to depend on a third party addon for tests, since there is no addon dependency management yet in Godot. The test suite is an EditorScript you can run using CTRL+SHIFT+X.

Tool Annotation

Since our test suite runs in the Editor, we needed @tool.

Then again, you might need to use normalization in the Editor. We actually did, in the end, so @tool stayed.

Right-to-Left Support

This has not been tested at all. Do make a report if you try it out, whether it works or not.

That's it ! Have fun !

Tookit to handle removing diacritics and substitutable characters from unicode strings.

Provides a UnicodeNormalizer singleton that helps normalize your unicode strings by :

- removing diacritics (decomposing, then keeping only the first character)
- substituting fallback characters
- being blazingly fast (binary search)
- being lightweight
- being extensible

Its replacement database is built from the official unicode.org data. It is only about 16Kio.

Usage Example :

You can use the `normalize` method on the autoload singleton `UnicodeNormalizer`:

UnicodeNormalizer.normalize("Dès Noël, où un zéphyr haï me vêt")
# "Des Noel, ou un zephyr hai me vet"

You can also exclude some characters from the normalization by removing the from the mapping :

var allowed_decomposables := "éàè"
for i in allowed_decomposables.length():

Finally, the UnicodeNormalizer is made to be extended, in order to adapt to specific needs.


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Quick Information

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Unicode Normalizer icon image
Unicode Normalizer

Tookit to handle removing diacritics and substitutable characters from unicode strings.Provides a UnicodeNormalizer singleton that helps normalize your unicode strings by :- removing diacritics (decomposing, then keeping only the first character)- substituting fallback characters- being blazingly fast (binary search)- being lightweight- being extensibleIts replacement database is built from the official unicode.org data. It is only about 16Kio.Usage Example :You can use the `normalize` method on the autoload singleton `UnicodeNormalizer`:UnicodeNormalizer.normalize("Dès Noël, où un zéphyr haï me vêt")# "Des Noel, ou un zephyr hai me vet"You can also exclude some characters from the normalization by removing the from the mapping :var allowed_decomposables := "éàè"for i in allowed_decomposables.length():UnicodeNormalizer.mapping.remove_decomposable(allowed_decomposables.unicode_at(i))Finally, the UnicodeNormalizer is made to be extended, in order to adapt to specific needs.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
10 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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