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Godot Oauth

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Godot Oauth

Simple drop-in node for Google Oauth2.You get your desktop app credentials from Google, plug them in to a dictionary, and create a node. Now you can get verified user emails and names for logins, high scores, saves, etc!

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5 months ago
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Google Oauth for Godot 4

Instructions | Customization | How This Works | But... Why?


  1. Create a set of Oauth2 credentials using Google Cloud Console

  2. Create an dictionary with the credentials in this format, and fill in your info :

     var oauth_credentials = {
    • Port and binding have default values, no need to include them, unless something special is going on. The token key can be any old thing, it's used to encrypt the local tokens.

    • These are prefixed with oauth2_ because I recommend using something like GD Credentials, as you can encrypt the credentials with a password and access them from a global dictionary.

    • Don't be a dummy! Don't upload your credentials to any public space.

  3. Create an instance of the oauth2 node

     var oauth =
    • When this node enters the tree, it will attempt to find any valid local tokens and re-authorize them. Otherwise, it just waits for you to call oauth.authorize() Which will open a browser window to sign in to Google and do all of the necessary black magic of tokens.
    • Connect the "token_authorized" signal to a callable you want to call when the user info is available.
    • Connect the "working" signal to a callable you want to call when the TCP server is waiting for responses.
  4. Retrieve user email, name and other scoped information from dictionary oauth.user_info

  5. Sign out and remove local data by calling oauth.clear_tokens()


There is an example script extending Button in the /addons/godot_auth/example directory. Just plop it in and connect some signals. Plug in your credentials in a node and you're good to go.

Customize HTML Page

The successful authorization HTML page is in the /root/addons/godot_auth/tools directory. It doesn't do anything special, modify it to your will.

How this works:

I am not going to explain Oauth2. Ok, maybe a little, in context.

The node creates a TCP server and waits for a connection from the Oauth server, basically. They send some stuff back and forth, and decide whether the token is valid or not. Then, the node saves it locally encrypted and sends another request for the information included in the scope of the credentials, and stores the recieved info in a dictionary. The node shuts down the TCP server when it is not actively trying to authorize.


I wanted to make a high scores board.

Much of this was updated from this tutorial, which is very nice, but quite outdated: OAuth 2.0 in The Godot Engine


GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007



Simple drop-in node for Google Oauth2.

You get your desktop app credentials from Google, plug them in to a dictionary, and create a node.

Now you can get verified user emails and names for logins, high scores, saves, etc!


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Godot Oauth icon image
Godot Oauth

Simple drop-in node for Google Oauth2.You get your desktop app credentials from Google, plug them in to a dictionary, and create a node. Now you can get verified user emails and names for logins, high scores, saves, etc!

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Modified Date
5 months ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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