Godot State Charts

An asset by derkork
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Godot State Charts thumbnail image
Godot State Charts thumbnail image
Godot State Charts thumbnail image
Godot State Charts thumbnail image
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Godot State Charts

Godot State Charts is an extension for Godot Engine 4 or later that allows you to use state charts in your game. State Charts are similar to finite state machines, but they are more powerful and avoid the state explosion problem of traditional FSMs. To get started, check out the manual at: https://github.com/derkork/godot-statecharts/blob/main/manual/manual.md

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Modified Date
4 days ago
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This example requires the .NET version of Godot to work. It will not work with the standard version of Godot. You can download the .NET version of Godot from https://godotengine.org/download. Note that the Steam version of Godot is the standard version and will not work with this example.

If you just freshly imported this into Godot and have not yet added other C# files to the project, you will need to initialize the project for C# by going to Project -> Tools -> C# -> Create C# Solution. Otherwise the demo will not work because its files have not been compiled.

Godot State Charts is an extension for Godot Engine 4 or later that allows you to use state charts in your game. State Charts are similar to finite state machines, but they are more powerful and avoid the state explosion problem of traditional FSMs.

To get started, check out the manual at: https://github.com/derkork/godot-statecharts/blob/main/manual/manual.md


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Quick Information

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Godot State Charts icon image
Godot State Charts

Godot State Charts is an extension for Godot Engine 4 or later that allows you to use state charts in your game. State Charts are similar to finite state machines, but they are more powerful and avoid the state explosion problem of traditional FSMs. To get started, check out the manual at: https://github.com/derkork/godot-statecharts/blob/main/manual/manual.md

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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