Pigmint Controls

An asset by Echopraxium
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Pigmint Controls

A Godot plugin which provides custom controls for 2D painting / drawing applications. This plugin currently provides 2 custom "ColorSelect" controls meant to let the user select Foreground/Background colors

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Modified Date
5 years ago
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Pigmint Controls

A Godot plugin which provides custom controls for 2D painting / drawing applications. This plugin currently provides 2 custom "ColorSelect" controls meant to let the user select Foreground/Background colors

  1. PigletColorSelect: this one has a 24x24 pixels icon README
  2. PigColorSelect: this one has a 32x32 pixels icon README

README Pigmint Controls

How to install the Plugin ?

  1. In Godot, Use the AssetLib link (in the top center of Godot's main window)
  2. In the Search field, type Pig to find more quickly the Pigmint Controls plugin
  3. Use [Download] then [Install]
  4. You should now have the following: my_godot_project/addons/pigmint_controls.
  5. Check that the plugin well installed: use the AssetLib button then [Plugins] and activate it (with the Combo button in Status column).

How to use a PigColorSelect or PigletColorSelect

  1. Create a 2D scene in your Godot project.
  2. Create a container (e.g. a HBoxContainer or VBoxContainer) as a child of the 2D scene.
  3. Select this container then use the right mouse button and select + Add Child Node
  4. In the Search field, type Pig to find more quickly the PigletColorSelect or PigColorSelect controls.
    • PigletColorSelect: README
    • PigColorSelect: README
  5. Select one of these ColorSelect control and then [Create]


Once you have a PigletColorSelect or PigColorSelect in your scene you will see a button with a custom icon. This button has in fact 4 selectable parts each one for a specific interaction:

  1. Select Foreground color: a left mouse button click in the small square of the top left part. This will popup a ColorPicker which allows the user to select a color.
  2. Select Background color: a click in the small square of the bottom right part. This will also popup a ColorPicker.
  3. Switch Foreground/Background colors: a click on the double arrow in the top right part.
  4. Reset Foreground/Background colors: a click on the bottom left part (a tiny white square under a tiny black square, these are the Reset colors).


There are 4 custom signals which can be connected to handle each of the 4 possible interactions

  1. foreground_color_changed(fg_color): the connected function will receive the Foreground color when it has been changed by the user.
  2. background_color_changed(bg_color): the connected function will receive the Background color when it has been changed by the user.
  3. colors_switch(color_select_control): the connected function will receive the color_select control when the user Switches colors.
  4. colors_reset(color_select_control): the connected function will receive the color_select control when the user Resets colors.


There are 2 properties on PigletColorSelect and PigColorSelect. They can be accessed with setters and getters:

  1. ForegroundColor
  1. BackgroundColor


A Godot plugin which provides custom controls for 2D painting / drawing applications. This plugin currently provides 2 custom "ColorSelect" controls meant to let the user select Foreground/Background colors


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Quick Information

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Pigmint Controls icon image
Pigmint Controls

A Godot plugin which provides custom controls for 2D painting / drawing applications. This plugin currently provides 2 custom "ColorSelect" controls meant to let the user select Foreground/Background colors

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
5 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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