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Indie Blueprint Scene Transition

An asset by ninetailsrabbit
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Indie Blueprint Scene Transition hero image

Quick Information

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Indie Blueprint Scene Transition icon image
Indie Blueprint Scene Transition

This scene transitioner implifies scene switching in your Godot project, adding polish and visual flair to your game's level changes.

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Modified Date
13 days ago
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Indie Blueprint Scene Transition

This scene transitioner implifies scene switching in your Godot project, adding polish and visual flair to your game's level changes
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Installation πŸ“¦

  1. Download Latest Release
  2. Unpack the addons/indie-blueprint-scene-transition folder into your /addons folder within the Godot project
  3. Enable this addon within the Godot settings: Project > Project Settings > Plugins

To better understand what branch to choose from for which Godot version, please refer to this table:

Godot Version indie-blueprint-scene-transition Branch indie-blueprint-scene-transition Version
README GodotEngine 4.3 1.x
README GodotEngine main 1.x

Features ✨

  • Seamless Transitions: Transition between scenes using animations or effects, enhancing the user experience.
  • Loading Screen Integration: Optionally display a loading screen while heavier scenes load, providing feedback to players.
  • Flexibility: Supports both file paths and pre-loaded PackedScene resources for scene selection.
  • Customizable Transitions: Define your own transition animations and effects within the manager for a personalized touch.
  • Clear API: The transition_to function offers a user-friendly way to initiate scene changes with various parameters.

How to use πŸ“œ

The IndieBlueprintSceneTransitioner has 2 main functions, transition_to and transition_to_with_loading_screen, these are the only ones you need to change between scenes.

Premade transitions 🎭

This plugin already comes with some premade transitions, which are:

  • Fade
  • Voronoi
  • Dissolve (with many textures to visualize different effects)

Since they are already made, from the class IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions you can access their identifiers as well as the textures for the dissolve type.

class_name IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions extends RefCounted

const ColorFade: StringName = &"color_fade"
const Voronoi: StringName = &"voronoi"
const Dissolve: StringName = &"dissolve"

const BlurryNoise: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/blurry-noise.png")

const CellNoise: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/cell-noise.png")

const CircleInverted: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/circle-inverted.png")

const Circle: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/circle.png")

const Conical: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/conical.png")

const Curtains: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/curtains.png")

const HorizontalPaintBrush: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/horiz_paint_brush.png")

const NoisePixelated: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/noise-pixelated.png")

const NormalNoise: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/noise.png")

const Scribbles: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/scribbles.png")

const Square: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/square.png")

const Squares: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/squares.png")

const Swirl: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/swirl.png")

const TileReveal: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/tile_reveal.png")

const VerticalPaintBrush: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/vertical_paint_brush.png")

const WipeDown: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/wipe-down.png")

const WipeLeft: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/wipe-left.png")

const WipeRight: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/wipe-right.png")

const WipeUp: CompressedTexture2D = preload("res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/transitions/dissolve/textures/wipe-up.png")


README fade_transition

// Arguments that can receive in the dictionary
var color: Color
var duration: float

    "in": {
        "color": Color.BLACK,
        "duration": 1.5
    "out": {
        "color": Color.WHITE,
        "duration": 1.0


README voronoi_transition

// Arguments that can receive in the dictionary
var color: Color
var duration: float
var flip: bool // false -> from left to right | true -> from right to left

    "in": {
        "color": Color.YELLOW,
        "duration": 1.5,
        "flip": true
    "out": {
        "color": Color.YELLOW,
        "duration": 1.0,
        "flip": true


You can provide your own textures and you do not necessarily have to use the ones proposed by the plugin.

// Arguments that can receive in the dictionary
var color: Color
var duration: float
var texture: CompressedTexture2D

    "in": {
        "color": Color.YELLOW,
        "duration": 1.5,
        "texture": IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.Swirl
    "out": {
        "color": Color.YELLOW,
        "duration": 1.0,
        "texture": IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.Swirl

Blurry noise

README blurry_noise

Cell noise

README cell_noise

Circle inverted

README circle_inverted


README circle


README conical


README curtains

Horizontal paint brush

README horizontal_paint_brush

Vertical paint brush

README vertical_paint_brush

Noise pixelated

README noise_pixelated

Normal Noise

README normal_noise


README scribbles


README square


README squares


README swirl

Tile reveal

README tile_reveal

Wipe down

README wipe_down

Wipe up

README wipe_up

Wipe left

README wipe_left

Wipe right

README wipe_right

Transition to scene πŸ“½οΈ

The scene can be provided as String path or as PackedScene. Each transition will receive the arguments it needs in the args Dictionary. This is because it is a flexible structure that allows you to pass anything to your own transitions.

func transition_to(
    scene: Variant,
    in_transition_id: StringName = IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.ColorFade,
    out_transition_id: StringName = IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.ColorFade,
    // A dictionary with "in" and "out" keys to pass the arguments to the corresponding transitions
    args: Dictionary = {}
) -> void

// Example
    { 	"in": {"texture": IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.HorizontalPaintBrush, "duration": 1.0, "color": Color.LIGHT_SKY_BLUE},
        "out": {"texture": IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.VerticalPaintBrush, "duration": 1.5, "color": Color.LIGHT_SEA_GREEN,}

Transition to scene with loading screen 🎬

The scene and loading_screen_scene can be provided as String path or as PackedScene. The loading screen can be a custom scene where the root node inherits from IndieBlueprintLoadingScreen

func transition_to_with_loading_screen(
    scene: Variant,
    loading_screen_scene: Variant,
    in_transition_id: StringName = IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.ColorFade,
    out_transition_id: StringName = IndieBlueprintPremadeTransitions.ColorFade,
    ## A dictionary with "in" and "out" keys to pass the arguments to the corresponding transitions
    args: Dictionary = {}
    ) -> void:

Create your loading screen

There is available an example in this repository located in res://test_scenes/example_loading_screen.tscn. The only thing you really need from the script provided is the value of the current loading progress.

As previously mentioned, since it is your own scene you can design it as you need it

class_name IndieBlueprintExampleLoadingScreen extends IndieBlueprintLoadingScreen

@onready var color_rect: ColorRect = $ColorRect
@onready var progress_bar: ProgressBar = $ProgressBar

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    super._process(delta) // Don't forget to call the parent _process() to update the value

    progress_bar.value = current_progress_value

Create your own transitions βš’οΈ

Thanks to a simple API, creating a transition is as easy as:

  • Create a scene where the root node is of type Control
  • Create and attaching a script that extends IndieBlueprintSceneTransition to this scene
  • Developing your own logic on the overridable functions transition_in and transition_out
  • Create an IndieBlueprintSceneTransitionConfiguration resource and assigning a unique identifier and the new scene of your custom transition
  • Add this resource to the exportable transitions parameter of the scene res://addons/ninetailsrabbit.indie_blueprint_scene_transition/src/scene_transitioner.tscn

You can take a look at the transitions already made in this plugin to see how to create your own. Since it's a custom scene, you can add the nodes that are necessary, providing unlimited flexibility.

Add your configuration

For the IndieBlueprintSceneTransitioner to know a transition it must exist as a resource in the parameter transitions.

README custom_transitions

The IndieBlueprintSceneTransitionConfiguration Resource

It is a very simple resource that needs an identifier and the related transition scene.

class_name IndieBlueprintSceneTransitionConfiguration extends Resource

@export var id: StringName
@export var scene: PackedScene

The IndieBlueprintSceneTransition Class

class_name IndieBlueprintSceneTransition extends Control

signal in_transition_started
signal in_transition_finished

signal out_transition_started
signal out_transition_finished

@export var default_z_index: int = 100

func transition_in(args: Dictionary = {}) -> void:

func transition_out(args: Dictionary = {}) -> void:

// We provide an optional function to prepare a color rect that add some optimal common parameters for a transition
func prepare_color_rect(color_rect: ColorRect) -> ColorRect:
    color_rect.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_STOP
    color_rect.z_index = default_z_index

    return color_rect

Example of fade

You have to manually call the inherited signals when your transitions start or end.This is the way to let the IndieBlueprintSceneTransitioner know that your transition has started and ended.

argsis the dictionary that you send from the main functions transition_to and transition_to_with_loading_screen

class_name ColorFadeTransition extends IndieBlueprintSceneTransition

@export var default_color: Color = Color("050505")
@export var default_duration: float = 1.0
@export var in_start_modulate: int = 0
@export var out_start_modulate: int = 255
@onready var color_rect: ColorRect = $ColorRect

func _ready() -> void:
    color_rect.modulate.a8 = 0

func transition_in(args: Dictionary = {}) -> void:

    color_rect.color = args.get_or_add("color", default_color)
    color_rect.modulate.a8 = in_start_modulate

    var tween = create_tween()
    tween.tween_property(color_rect, "modulate:a8", 255, args.get_or_add("duration", default_duration))\

    tween.finished.connect(func(): in_transition_finished.emit(), CONNECT_ONE_SHOT)

func transition_out(args: Dictionary = {}) -> void:

    color_rect.color = args.get_or_add("color", default_color)
    color_rect.modulate.a8 = out_start_modulate

    var tween = create_tween()
    tween.tween_property(color_rect, "modulate:a8", 0, args.get_or_add("duration", default_duration))\

    tween.finished.connect(func(): out_transition_finished.emit(), CONNECT_ONE_SHOT)

This scene transitioner implifies scene switching in your Godot project, adding polish and visual flair to your game's level changes.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Indie Blueprint Scene Transition icon image
Indie Blueprint Scene Transition

This scene transitioner implifies scene switching in your Godot project, adding polish and visual flair to your game's level changes.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
13 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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