
An asset by duriganjp
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Define categories, groups and buttons in the inspector using export vars in Godot 3.x!✅ Works in Godot 3.1 ~ 3.5

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1 year ago
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jpInspector for Godot 3.x

Define categories, groups and buttons in the inspector using export vars in Godot 3.x!

✅ Works in Godot 3.1 ~ 3.5

How to

Export a Dictionary var with the defined prefix and it will be rendered as the element in the inspector.

# Creates a category with title "My Category"
export var _c_my_category: Dictionary

# Creates a group with title "Colors Group"
export var _g_colors_group: Dictionary = jpInspector.Group("color")
export var color_base: Color = Color.white
export var color_text: Color =

# Creates a button with title "Execute" that calls execute() when pressed
export var _b_execute: Dictionary

Inspector generated by the code above.

You can set custom prefixes in Project Settings.

In non-tools scripts, variables such as export var _c_cat: Dictionary = jpInspector.Category("My Category") won't be initialized in the editor, only on runtime. This plugin bypass that by parsing your script and evaluating GDScript in a temporary reference. You must declare and initialize the variable in a single line for it to work. If you want to be extra careful, you may disable this in Project Settings.

You can also declare custom elements with a plain Dictionary:

export var _c_category: Dictionary = {
    jpInspector.CATEGORY_KEY_TITLE: "My actual title"

export var _c_category2 = {
    "title": "i like to live dangerously 8)"


Default prefix: _c_

A category may have a custom title and icon.

export var _c_category: Dictionary = jpInspector.Category("My Category", "res://icon.png")


Default prefix: _g_

Groups can control the visibity of properties that share a common prefix or directly specified in variables. They can also have custom title.

It must be declared before the properties it controls.

export var _g_path_group: Dictionary = jpInspector.Group("path_", "NodePaths Group")
export var path_button: NodePath
export var path_label: NodePath
export var path_container: NodePath

export var _g_custom_group: Dictionary = jpInspector.GroupCustom(["page_title", "text", "button_color"])
export var page_title: String
export(String, MULTILINE) var text: String
export var button_color: Color


Default prefix: _b_

A button will call a function in the object currently edited. You can specify the method and its title.

It needs a tool script to work.

export var but_custom_function: Dictionary = jpInspector.FuncButton("custom_function")
export var but_button_2: Dictionary = jpInspector.FuncButton("another_custom_function", "Another Custom Function")

func custom_function() -> void:
    printt(self, "Calling custom function!")

func another_custom_function() -> void:
    printt(self, "Calling another custom function!")

Define categories, groups and buttons in the inspector using export vars in Godot 3.x!

✅ Works in Godot 3.1 ~ 3.5


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Quick Information

0 ratings
jpInspector3.x icon image

Define categories, groups and buttons in the inspector using export vars in Godot 3.x!✅ Works in Godot 3.1 ~ 3.5

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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