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Godot Text Interface Engine

An asset by henriquelalves
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Godot Text Interface Engine thumbnail image
Godot Text Interface Engine thumbnail image
Godot Text Interface Engine thumbnail image
Godot Text Interface Engine image holder but it is empty

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Godot Text Interface Engine

Godot Text Interface Engine (GodotTIE for short) is a simple-to-use node that works like a Text Dialogue Box; it gets the job done, and it's highly customizable (most of its variables can be changed on the editor).

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Modified Date
5 years ago
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A simple Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue) for Godot.

The "Cave-Story" font was created by enigmansmp1824; it's CC-BY-SA licensed, and can be found in

A simple demonstration video:


  • Control the velocity in which the text is going to be displayed! (Even text dialogues can have emotions!)
  • Adjust visually the Interface size, so it can fit it in any Dialogue box you want! The script will handle the maximum number of lines and characters!
  • Buffer texts, inputs, and breaks in the Dialogue, with easy to use methods!
  • Control the Dialogue flow from the outside with the available user signals!
  • Use tags on specific parts of your text! (In a RPG, you may want to show specific animations during certain parts of the dialogue; e.g. a "!" question mark popup in the head of a character in one of the moments of the dialogue)
  • User scroll friendly; Log all the text printed; auto-clip words; and more!

Take a look at the 'public' methods in the script and the export variables available; it should give you a hint about the stuff you can easily customize in the engine!


You'll need the Godot Engine to do this.

  1. Clone or download this repository;
  2. Copy the folder "Text Interface Engine" to your Godot project;
  3. Instance "text_interface_engine.scn" as a node in the scene that you want the Text Interface.

The "addon" is a experimental feature (as it is only available in Godot HEAD version on GitHub for now). To use GodotTIE as an Addon:

  1. Copy the "addons" folder to your project.
  2. Enable GodotTIE addon on "Project Settings".
  3. Instance a TextInterfaceEngine node to your scene.



  • 26/02:
    • Changed the "buffs" to dictionaries, to increase readability.
    • Fixed bug with "tag" signals (should only call it once).
  • 25/02:
    • Setup of the finished project on GitHub.


MIT License.

Godot Text Interface Engine (GodotTIE for short) is a simple-to-use node that works like a Text Dialogue Box; it gets the job done, and it's highly customizable (most of its variables can be changed on the editor).


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Godot Text Interface Engine icon image
Godot Text Interface Engine

Godot Text Interface Engine (GodotTIE for short) is a simple-to-use node that works like a Text Dialogue Box; it gets the job done, and it's highly customizable (most of its variables can be changed on the editor).

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
5 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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