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Replicator Node

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Replicator Node

A plugin that adds a replicator node used for networking that replicates properties

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4 years ago
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Godot Replicator Node Plugin

Adds a Replicator node that can replicates properties with interpolation and spawning and deletion of nodes between server and client without any code.


Add a Replicator node to the node that has properties you want to replicate with all clients. This could be a RigidBody for example.

Write the properties you want to replicate in the Replicators Members To Replicate text field. For example, if you want to replicate the position and rotation of a RigidBody, type in transform.

Every line should be a new property.

Exported Property What it does
Replicate Automatically Call replicate_members in a specified interval
Replicate Interval The interval at which to call replicate_members
Replicate Spawning Spawn on puppet instances when spawned on the master
Replicate Despawning Despawn on puppet instances when despawned on the
Despawn On Disconnect Despawn when the master disconnects
Spawn On JoiningPeers Spawn on newly joined peers
Interpolate Changes Use a generated Tween sibling to interpolate new
Logging Log changes of members on puppet instances

How it works

The Replicator node uses Godot's high level networking API.

It adds Tween siblings if interpolate_changes is true, which interpolate the old value to the new value when replicating, and a timer which calls replicate_members on timeout.

The plugin adds an autoload singleton called "RemoteSpawner" to spawn nodes on newly joined peers.

It also removes "@"s from nodes names to be able to replicate node names, as it's impossible to use "@"s when setting a node name.

Example: @Bullet@2@ becomes Bullet2

A plugin that adds a replicator node used for networking that replicates properties


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Replicator Node

A plugin that adds a replicator node used for networking that replicates properties

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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