ShaderV - 2D Visual Shader Node Library (Godot 4)

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ShaderV - 2D Visual Shader Node Library (Godot 4)

Adds many premade 2D effects (such as noise, blur, emboss, zoom, custom shapes, etc.) to build-in VisualShader editor. You can find basic usage examples in the "addons/shaderV/examples" folder.Copy the contents of "addons/shaderV" into the same folder in your project. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes.As all shaders sources are .gdshaderinc files, it is also possible to use this plugin with usual text shaders.

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Modified Date
9 months ago
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Adds many premade 2D effects (such as noise, blur, emboss, zoom, custom shapes, etc.) to build-in VisualShader editor. You can find basic usage examples in the "addons/shaderV/examples" folder.

Copy the contents of "addons/shaderV" into the same folder in your project. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes.

As all shaders sources are .gdshaderinc files, it is also possible to use this plugin with usual text shaders.


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ShaderV - 2D Visual Shader Node Library (Godot 4) icon image
ShaderV - 2D Visual Shader Node Library (Godot 4)

Adds many premade 2D effects (such as noise, blur, emboss, zoom, custom shapes, etc.) to build-in VisualShader editor. You can find basic usage examples in the "addons/shaderV/examples" folder.Copy the contents of "addons/shaderV" into the same folder in your project. Custom visual shader nodes work the same way as standard visual shader nodes.As all shaders sources are .gdshaderinc files, it is also possible to use this plugin with usual text shaders.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
9 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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