CopperDC - An in-game debug console

An asset by Ratamacue9112
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
CopperDC - An in-game debug console thumbnail image
CopperDC - An in-game debug console thumbnail image
CopperDC - An in-game debug console hero image

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CopperDC - An in-game debug console icon image
CopperDC - An in-game debug console

This adds an easy-to-use, highly adaptable debug console to your games. You can adapt the console for your game's needs by adding custom commands, stats monitors, error logs, changing the console design, and more.

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Modified Date
1 month ago
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A in-game debug console for Godot. This makes testing in a build much easier. For example, if you want to play a certain level in a build, you could create a command to take you there without having to play through the game.

Full documentation is on the wiki.

This adds an easy-to-use, highly adaptable debug console to your games. You can adapt the console for your game's needs by adding custom commands, stats monitors, error logs, changing the console design, and more.


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CopperDC - An in-game debug console icon image
CopperDC - An in-game debug console

This adds an easy-to-use, highly adaptable debug console to your games. You can adapt the console for your game's needs by adding custom commands, stats monitors, error logs, changing the console design, and more.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
1 month ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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