GTweens (C#)

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GTweens (C#)

GTweens-Godot is a lightweight and versatile tweening library for Godot 4 with C#. This library simplifies the process of creating animations and transitions in your Godot projects, allowing you to bring your game elements to life with ease.Please read the README for installation steps.

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GTweens is a lightweight and versatile tweening library for C#. This library simplifies the process of creating animations and transitions in your projects, allowing you to bring your game elements to life with ease.

🤜 Features

  • Sequencing: Easily chain multiple tweens together to create complex sequences of animations.
  • Versatile Easing Functions: Choose from a variety of easing functions to achieve different animation effects, including linear, ease-in, ease-out, etc.
  • Looping: Create looping animations with a single line of code, and control loop count and behavior.
  • Delays: Specify delays, allowing precise timing of your animations.
  • Callbacks: Attach callbacks to tweens for event handling at various points in the animation timeline.

📦 Installation

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unpack the GTweens folder into the project.

📚 Getting started


  • Tween: a generic word that indicates some or multiple values being animated.
  • Sequence: an combination of tweens that get animated as a group.


Prefixes are important to use the most out of IntelliSense, so try to remember these:

  • Set: prefix for all settings that can be chained to a tween.
  • On: prefix for all callbacks that can be chained to a tween.

Generic tweening

This is the most flexible way of tweening and allows you to tween almost any value.

// For default C# values (int, float, etc)
GTweenExtensions.Tween(getter, setter, to, duration)
  • Getter: a delegate that returns the value of the property to tween. Can be written as a lambda like this: () => myValue where myValue is the name of the property to tween.
  • Setter: a delegate that sets the value of the property to tween. Can be written as a lambda like this: x => myValue = x where myValue is the name of the property to tween.
  • To: the end value to reach.
  • Duration: the duration of the tween in seconds.
  • Validation (optional): a delegate that every time the tween updates, checks if it should be running. Can be written as a lambda like this: () => shouldKeepRunning where shouldKeepRunning is a boolean.
// For default C# values
GTween tween = GTweenExtensions.Tween(
    () => Target.SomeFloat, // Getter
    x => Target.SomeFloat = x, // Setter
    100f, // To
    1 // Duration

Tweens context

Tweens require a system that updates them every frame. In GTweens, this system is referred to as a GTweensContext.

Essentially, GTweensContext is a class that maintains a list of active tweens and advances their progress collectively when the Tick method is called. To set a GTween in motion, it needs to be initiated through the Play method provided by the GTweensContext. Here's a practical example of how to implement this concept within an application:

class MyApplication
    // We need a single instance of a GTweensContext
    readonly GTweensContext _gTweensContext = new();

    void UpdateApplication(float frameDeltaTime)
        // With out aplication update, we tick the context with the frame delta time

    void PlaySomeTween()
        // We create a tween
        GTween tween = GTweenExtensions.Tween(
            () => Target.SomeFloat, // Getter
            x => Target.SomeFloat = x, // Setter
            100f, // To
            1 // Duration

        // We play the tween with the context

In this example:

  • We establish a single instance of GTweensContext, _gTweensContext, within the MyApplication class.
  • The UpdateApplication function is responsible for advancing the tweens within the context using the provided frameDeltaTime as the time increment.
  • To initiate a new tween, we use the GTweenExtensions.Tween method, specifying the getter, setter, target value, and duration.
  • Finally, we play the tween by adding it to the context using _gTweensContext.Play(tween). This approach allows for the management and synchronization of tweens within the application using a GTweensContext.


Sequences are a combination of tweens that get animated as a group. Sequences can be contained inside other sequences without any limit to the depth of the hierarchy. To create sequences, you need to use the helper GTweenSequenceBuilder.

  • First you call to start creating a new sequence New().
  • Next you Append() or Join() any tweens to the sequence.
    • Append: Adds the given tween to the end of the Sequence. This tween will play after all the previous tweens have finished.
    • Join: Inserts the given tween at the same time position of the last tween added to the Sequence. This tween will play at the same time as the previous tween.
  • Finally you call Build() to get the generated sequence Tween.
 GTween tween = GTweenSequenceBuilder.New()
    .AppendCallback(() => Console.WriteLine("I'm finished!"))

Tween controls

  • Kill: kills the tween. This means that the tween will stop playing.
  • Complete: instantly reaches the final state of the tween, and stops playing.
  • Reset: sets the tween to its initial state, and stops playing.
  • SetLoops: sets the amount of times the tween should loop.
  • SetEasing: sets the easing used by the tween. If the tween is a sequence, the easing will be applied to all child tweens. Set to linear by default.
  • SetTimeScale: sets the time scale that will be used to tick the tween. Set to 1 by default.


  • AwaitCompleteOrKill: returns a Task that waits until the tween is killed or completed.

GTweens-Godot is a lightweight and versatile tweening library for Godot 4 with C#. This library simplifies the process of creating animations and transitions in your Godot projects, allowing you to bring your game elements to life with ease.

Please read the README for installation steps.


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GTweens (C#) icon image
GTweens (C#)

GTweens-Godot is a lightweight and versatile tweening library for Godot 4 with C#. This library simplifies the process of creating animations and transitions in your Godot projects, allowing you to bring your game elements to life with ease.Please read the README for installation steps.

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Modified Date
7 months ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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