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Quick Information

An oil-painting style shader based on the Kuwahara filter.Available for Sprites, TextureRect and 3D post-processing.
This is a gdshader implementation of the Kuwahara filter, tuned to produce an oil-painting aesthetic. It is available as both a canvas_item and spatial shader.
2D Gallery
Parliament Hill, Ottawa
Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Chateau de Chillon and Dents
3D Gallery
Godot Third Person Shooter Demo
Changing Kernel Size
The shader comes with 4 pre-made circular kernels to choose from: 3, 4, 5 and 6 pixels wide. The examples above were captured using the default 4 pixel kernel. To use a different kernel size, rename at lines 15, 17 and 55. The larger the kernel, the slower the shader.
Use in Spatial Scenes
Follow the Full Screen Quad instructions found in this tutorial. The shader has undergone significant optimisation and should be able to achieve 1920x1080 60fps on any modern computer at the supplied kernel sizes.
Modifications to the Basic Algorithm
- Circular kernels to reduce block artifacts
- Approximate standard deviation to improve performance
An oil-painting style shader based on the Kuwahara filter.
Available for Sprites, TextureRect and 3D post-processing.
Quick Information

An oil-painting style shader based on the Kuwahara filter.Available for Sprites, TextureRect and 3D post-processing.