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Plugin that makes version management for your projects easier and adds the ability to check for newer published versions on iOS/Android

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7 years ago
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README Godot Version

Version management for Godot projects


This is a plugin that can be added to your Godot 2.1 projects that allows for simple version management for tracking and update notification purposes. It has NOT been tested with Godot 3.0, though AFAIK it should still be compatible.


We wanted a clean and reusable way to maintain a regular version code in our games that does not rely on external build processes or platform build codes. This makes it easier to track builds both in development and production as well as easily query and display the current version in game.

What it actually does

In the simplest form it adds a version/ parameter to your project settings

README Project Settings screenshot

A version object is also globally accessible (automatic autoload) to perform runtime queries, which provides a single function get_version(), also accessible as version property, with all version info:

var version_info = version.get_version()
# will result in
version_info = {
    'major': 1,
    'minor': 0,
    'patch': 0,
    'os': 'ios',                    # 3 letter truncated OS string
    'engine': '2.1.4',              # running Godot version
    'debug': false,
    'string': 'v1.0.0.ios/2.1.4',   # full version string
    'short': '1.0.0'                # shortened version string

Helper nodes

A few extra node types are included for extra functionality if desired

README VersionLabel

Exactly what it says. A Label extension that will automatically display the current version - either full version or short version. It will also change color depending on version update checking (see below). These colors are also configurable.

README VersionChecker

This is a node that can be added to check the latest release version against the current running version... yes, checking for updates. This is currently only implemented for iOS and Android and relies on the Apple/Google listing to query the latest published version. It is intended to notify the user if an update is found and remind them to stay up to date.

In order for the VersionChecker to work you must add SSL certificates to your project. See this tutorial and this link for help with certs


Call the check_update() function to check for version updates. This will occur when the node is ready if auto_check == true (default). The iOS App ID or Android Bundle ID must be set correctly for the check to work for each respective platform.

VersionChecker emits 2 signals:

  • update_found(latest_version, current_version, severity, update_url)
  • error(error, http_code, parse_error)

Don't forget to add the Internet permission for Android builds or the VersionChecker will fail

Known issues

  1. Version changes will not reflect on any VersionLabel in the editor until the project is reopened

  2. In order for the VersionChecker to work for a given platform a published version must already exist. This means for the first version, requests will always fail in development - and the error signal will be emitted. It WILL work once published, though the first version should be up to date and nothing will happen - with no errors.

    For testing purposes, you can use any valid App ID or Bundle ID and play with the version number - just find a published app, such as one you have already published, and use that ID in the VersionChecker. Make sure you change these to the correct ID's before release.

Copyright © 2017 Ryan Mastrolia

Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)

Plugin that makes version management for your projects easier and adds the ability to check for newer published versions on iOS/Android


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Version icon image

Plugin that makes version management for your projects easier and adds the ability to check for newer published versions on iOS/Android

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
7 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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