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Basic Shaders

An asset by To-Fujita
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Basic Shaders

There are some basic shaders, as a blur filter, a mosic filter, an edge filter and others. You can use as your shader in your project, after download the shaders.

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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1. Description:

I have created some basic shaders. These shaders are able to mix to any pictures. Please check out the usage below.

2. Demo:

Basic Shaders Demo
This Demo is confirmed by Firefox (Ver. 75.0.0/64 bit) and Google Chrome (Ver. 81.0/64 bit) under the condition of Windows 10. However it is not working on the Microsoft Edge.

3. Usage

These Basic Shaders are composed a base picture at "TextureRect" and a shader on "ColorRect". You can set any pictures to "TextureRect", then choose a shader by clicking the eye mark. After selected a shader, you can set the position and the size for selected shader by setting the value in "Rect". Some shaders are able to set the parameters by setting the value in "Shader Param" under the "Material".
README Images for Basic Shader 001

4. Shaders

(1) Aberration Filter

This is a chromatic abrration filter that is separated in its 3 RGB layers.

(2) Average Filter (Mean Filter)

This filter is simply to replace each pixel value in an image with the average value of its neighbors, including itself.
README Images for Basic Shader 002

(3) Background Noise Shader

This shader is based on "Book Of Shaders-Godot" at reference.

(4) Binary Conversion

This filter is also simply to replace each pixcel value in the value of black or white based on the threshold value.

(5) Default Filter

This filter is a default filter on Godot Game Engine. This filter is working under the condition of GLES3.

(6) Edge Detection

This Edge Detection Filter is created by based on "Prewitt Filter" below. The "Sobel Filter" is also stored in the Shaders folder. README Images for Basic Shader 005

(7) Gaussian Filter

This is a gaussian filter based on the figure below. README Images for Basic Shader 003

(8) Invert Shader

This shader is based on "Book Of Shaders-Godot" at reference.

(9) Mirage Shader

This shader is based on "Book Of Shaders-Godot" at reference.

(10) Monochrome Filter

This filter is simply to replace each pixcel value in the monotone value.

(11) Mosic Filter (Simple)

This filter is working under the condition of GLES3. It is similar to the Pixelize Filter.

(12) Mosic Filter

This filter is working under the condition of GLES3. This is added the average in a block to the "Mosic Filter (Simple)" above.

(13) Motion Filter

This is one of motion filter. In this case, the filter is based on the figure below. README Images for Basic Shader 004

(14) Negative Filter

This filter is simply to replace each pixcel value in the subtracted the value from one.

(15) Noise Shader

This shader is based on "Book Of Shaders-Godot" at reference.

(16) Pixelize Filter

This filter is simply to replace some pixels in the same value.

(17) Sepia Filter

This filter is to replace each pixcel value in the sepia tone value.

(18) Whirl Shader

This shader is based on "Book Of Shaders-Godot" at reference.

(19) Mixture the Binary Filter and the Default Filter

This filter is added the Binary Filter based on the Default Filter.

(20) Mixture the Edge Detection and the Default Filter

This filter is added the Edge Detection Filter based on the Default Filter.

(21) Mixture the Edge Detection and the Motion Filter

This filter is added the Edge Detection Filter based on the Motion Filter.

5. Reference:

Godot Game Engine : Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
Book Of Shaders-Godot : BookOfShaders in Godot Shader Language

6. License:


7. Author:

T. Fujita

There are some basic shaders, as a blur filter, a mosic filter, an edge filter and others. You can use as your shader in your project, after download the shaders.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Basic Shaders icon image
Basic Shaders

There are some basic shaders, as a blur filter, a mosic filter, an edge filter and others. You can use as your shader in your project, after download the shaders.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

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Created by developers for developers