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Material Maker

An asset by RodZilla
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Material Maker hero image

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Material Maker

Material Maker is a simple procedural textures authororing tool that can be used to describe the textures that define a material by interconnecting basic nodes that generate, transform or combine seamless textures in a graph.The addons directory contains the Material Maker plugin that can import .ptex files created with Material Maker into SpatialMaterials (either with pre-generated textures or textures generated at runtime) you can directly use in your project.The material_maker directory contains Material maker itself and a demo that shows materials rendered at runtime.

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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Material Maker

This is a tool based on Godot Engine that can be used to create textures procedurally. It can also be used as a Godot addon (but there's no good reason for not using it as a standalone tool).

Its user interface is based on Godot's GraphEdit node: textures are described as interconnected texture generators and operators.


On Windows, you can also install Material Maker using Scoop:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install material-maker




README Screenshot


Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Rodolphe Suescun and contributors

Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository are licensed under the MIT license. See for more information.

Material Maker is a simple procedural textures authororing tool that can be used to describe the textures that define a material by interconnecting basic nodes that generate, transform or combine seamless textures in a graph.

The addons directory contains the Material Maker plugin that can import .ptex files created with Material Maker into SpatialMaterials (either with pre-generated textures or textures generated at runtime) you can directly use in your project.

The material_maker directory contains Material maker itself and a demo that shows materials rendered at runtime.


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Quick Information

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Material Maker icon image
Material Maker

Material Maker is a simple procedural textures authororing tool that can be used to describe the textures that define a material by interconnecting basic nodes that generate, transform or combine seamless textures in a graph.The addons directory contains the Material Maker plugin that can import .ptex files created with Material Maker into SpatialMaterials (either with pre-generated textures or textures generated at runtime) you can directly use in your project.The material_maker directory contains Material maker itself and a demo that shows materials rendered at runtime.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

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Created by developers for developers