
An asset by Gan_HOPE326
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A small library to do some complex linear algebra (matrix and vector operations) in GDScript. Includes QR decomposition and a basic diagonalization algorithm for symmetric matrices. Due to GDScript's speed, it's oriented towards performance, not ease of use, so the interface may not be intuitive!

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3 years ago
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Linear Algebra library in GDScript for Godot Engine

All methods are optimised for maximum speed. They take arrays and assume the right dimension for them. If the inputs aren't right they'll crash. Third input is used for the answer, preallocated. There are no conditional branchings. Just use the method appropriate to the situation. The names are coded to reflect that. s = scalar, v = vector and m = matrix. So for example

dot_vm(v, M)

is a dot product between vector and matrix (in that order). Wherever the in_place argument is provided, it is possible to perform the operation on the object itself instead of instantiating a new one (this too optimises performance). So for example

transpose(M, true)

will turn M into its own transpose by reference, whereas

 MT = transpose(M)

will leave M unaltered.

Most method names are self-explanatory. The less intuitive are:

A small library to do some complex linear algebra (matrix and vector operations) in GDScript. Includes QR decomposition and a basic diagonalization algorithm for symmetric matrices. Due to GDScript's speed, it's oriented towards performance, not ease of use, so the interface may not be intuitive!


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Quick Information

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LinearAlgebra icon image

A small library to do some complex linear algebra (matrix and vector operations) in GDScript. Includes QR decomposition and a basic diagonalization algorithm for symmetric matrices. Due to GDScript's speed, it's oriented towards performance, not ease of use, so the interface may not be intuitive!

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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