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Install via Godot
To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

Dynamic crosshair shader for godot##InstallationCreate a ColorRect, set the size to your resolution so it covers the entire viewport. Apply the shader to the ColorRect.##CustomizationColors, size, spacing, etc. are editable in shader params. "inverted" overrides all color and replaces it with an inverted screenbuffer.color_id enables color_%id (color_id == 1, color_1 is active color)."spread" is the scale factor of "spacing". The space between each section is spacing * spread. 1 is the default value.See readme for example usage.
Dynamic crosshair shader for godot
Create a ColorRect, set the size to your resolution so it covers the entire viewport. Apply the shader to the ColorRect.
Colors, size, spacing, etc. are editable in shader params.
option overrides all color and replaces it with an inverted screenbuffer.
enables color_%id
. Example usage (sets active color to color_1 when a raycast is intersecting an enemey):
var cursor_object = $UpperCollider/Camera/RayCast.get_collider()
if cursor_object == null:
$HUD/Crosshair.material.set_shader_param("color_id", 0)
elif cursor_object.is_in_group("enemy"):
$HUD/Crosshair.material.set_shader_param("color_id", 1)
determines the factor of spacing. The space between each section is spacing * spread
. 1 is the default value. Example usage (spread dependent on player velocity):
var spread = velocity.length()/2 + 1
$Crosshair.material.set_shader_param("spread", spread)
Dynamic crosshair shader for godot
Create a ColorRect, set the size to your resolution so it covers the entire viewport. Apply the shader to the ColorRect.
Colors, size, spacing, etc. are editable in shader params. "inverted" overrides all color and replaces it with an inverted screenbuffer.
color_id enables color_%id (color_id == 1, color_1 is active color).
"spread" is the scale factor of "spacing". The space between each section is spacing * spread. 1 is the default value.
See readme for example usage.
Quick Information

Dynamic crosshair shader for godot##InstallationCreate a ColorRect, set the size to your resolution so it covers the entire viewport. Apply the shader to the ColorRect.##CustomizationColors, size, spacing, etc. are editable in shader params. "inverted" overrides all color and replaces it with an inverted screenbuffer.color_id enables color_%id (color_id == 1, color_1 is active color)."spread" is the scale factor of "spacing". The space between each section is spacing * spread. 1 is the default value.See readme for example usage.