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Chunk Manager

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Chunk Manager

ChunkManager for Godot: A dynamic chunk management system for 2D games in Godot, enabling efficient loading and unloading of tile chunks based on player position. Utilizes noise generation for varied terrain types, including water, sand, and grass, optimizing performance for large game worlds.

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ChunkManager for Godot


ChunkManager is a class designed for managing chunks of tiles in a 2D game using the Godot Engine. It dynamically loads and unloads chunks based on the player's position, utilizing noise generation to create varied terrain types such as water, sand, and grass. This class is particularly useful for games with large worlds where only a portion of the map needs to be rendered at any given time.


  • Dynamic chunk loading and unloading based on player position.
  • Terrain generation using noise functions.
  • Support for different tile types (e.g., water, sand, grass).
  • Efficient memory management by freeing unused chunks.


  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
  2. Place the ChunkManager.cs file in your Godot project under the appropriate directory (e.g., Scripts/).


To use the ChunkManager, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new scene in Godot.
  2. Add a Node2D as the root node.
  3. Attach the ChunkManager script to the root node.
  4. Assign a TileSet to the _tileSet property in the Godot editor.
  5. Call RefreshChunks() method to load chunks around the player's position.


public class Player : Node2D
    public override void _Process(float delta)
        // Update player position
        Vector2 position = this.Position;

        // Refresh chunks based on player position

ChunkManager for Godot: A dynamic chunk management system for 2D games in Godot, enabling efficient loading and unloading of tile chunks based on player position. Utilizes noise generation for varied terrain types, including water, sand, and grass, optimizing performance for large game worlds.


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Chunk Manager

ChunkManager for Godot: A dynamic chunk management system for 2D games in Godot, enabling efficient loading and unloading of tile chunks based on player position. Utilizes noise generation for varied terrain types, including water, sand, and grass, optimizing performance for large game worlds.

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Modified Date
6 months ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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