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Stylized Planet Generator

An asset by Bauxite
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Stylized Planet Generator thumbnail image
Stylized Planet Generator thumbnail image
Stylized Planet Generator image holder but it is empty

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Stylized Planet Generator

This is a stylized procedural planet generator written in Godot 3.0. It creates oceans, lakes, icy mountains, forests, etc.

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6 years ago
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Stylized Planet Generator

This is a stylized procedural planet generator written in Godot 3.0. It creates oceans, lakes, icy mountains, forests, etc.


Here's a video of it in action.

How it works

The algorithm is based on some article I found many years ago, unfortunately I lost the link to it. If anyone knows where it is, let me know. The idea is as follows:

  1. Start with an icosphere.
  2. Pick a random vector on the unit sphere and call it v.
  3. For every vertex p in the icosphere: if the dot product between v and p is positive, move p a little away from the origin. Else, move it a little towards the origin.
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 a few hundred times.

After that, trees are planted. A probablity distribution is generated over the entire set of vertices, where the probability of placing a tree depends on the elevation of a vertex. A vertex below sea level has probablity 0, so no trees are placed below sea level, and the probablility increases when reaching "average" elevation, and then slowly drops off to zero again in the icy mountain range.



This is a stylized procedural planet generator written in Godot 3.0. It creates oceans, lakes, icy mountains, forests, etc.


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Stylized Planet Generator icon image
Stylized Planet Generator

This is a stylized procedural planet generator written in Godot 3.0. It creates oceans, lakes, icy mountains, forests, etc.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
6 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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