Install Asset
Install via Godot
To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

Preconfigured Template for Creating Android PluginsImprovements:- To define exportable methods, they only need to be public and contain the @GodotMethod annotation.- The template automatically collects these methods and exposes them to the Engine.- For now, signals are still defined in the initSignals() method.- The plugin exposes the class name as the plugin name in getPluginName().- Automatically generates the gdap file to start using the plugin right away.
Plantilla para Plugin V1 Godot 3.x Android
Plantilla preconfigurada para crear plugins android
- Para definir los métodos exportables sólo han de ser publicos y contener la etiqueta @GodotMethod
- Con esto, la plantilla se encarga de recopilar esos métodos y exponerlos al Motor.
- De momento, las señales se siguen definiendo en
- El plugin expone el nombre de la clase como nombre del plugin en
. - También genera automáticamente el archivo gdap para empezar a usar el plugin.
Importante, antes de empezar:
- No actualizar la librería "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.0"
- Para ver todos los elementos es aconsejable usar la vista de "Project" en el árbol de carpetas
- La plantilla ya incluye la librería godot-lib.3.5.3.stable.release.aar en la carpeta app/libs
Renombrar (May+F6 -> Rename):
- Crear un nuevo nombre de paquete.
- Mover el contenido de 'com.neoofcomstudio.Godot3_5_3_DemoPlugin' al nuevo espacio de nombres.
- En caso de ser necesario, corregir el package en la clase y en la anotación
- Renombrar nombre de la Clase Principal (DemoPlugin)
- Modificar 'android:name="org.godotengine.plugin.v1.[nombre del plugin]"'
- Modificar: 'android:value="[nombre del paquete].[nombre de la clase]"'
build.gradle.kts (:app)
- Modificar 'namespace = "[nombre del paquete]"'
- = "[nombre del proyecto]"
Si fuera necesario, actualizar: libs/godot-lib.3.5.3.stable.release.aar desde:
Template for Plugin V1 Godot 3.x Android
Preconfigured Template for Creating Android Plugins
- To define exportable methods, they only need to be public and contain the @GodotMethod annotation.
- The template automatically collects these methods and exposes them to the Engine.
- For now, signals are still defined in the
method. - The plugin exposes the class name as the plugin name in
. - Automatically generates the
file to start using the plugin right away.
Important, before starting:
- Do not update the library "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.0"
- To see all the elements, it is recommended to use the "Project" view in the folder tree.
- The template already includes the godot-lib.3.5.3.stable.release.aar library in the app/libs folder.
Rename (Shift+F6 -> Rename):
- Create a new package name.
- Move the content from 'com.neoofcomstudio.Godot3_5_3_DemoPlugin' to the new namespace.
- If necessary, correct the package in the class and in the annotation.
- Rename the Main Class (DemoPlugin).
- Modify 'android="org.godotengine.plugin.v1.[plugin name]"'
- Modify: 'android="[package name].[class name]"'
build.gradle.kts (:app)
- Modify 'namespace = "[package name]"'
- = "[project name]"
If necessary, update: libs/godot-lib.3.5.3.stable.release.aar from:
Preconfigured Template for Creating Android Plugins
- To define exportable methods, they only need to be public and contain the @GodotMethod annotation.
- The template automatically collects these methods and exposes them to the Engine.
- For now, signals are still defined in the initSignals() method.
- The plugin exposes the class name as the plugin name in getPluginName().
- Automatically generates the gdap file to start using the plugin right away.
Quick Information

Preconfigured Template for Creating Android PluginsImprovements:- To define exportable methods, they only need to be public and contain the @GodotMethod annotation.- The template automatically collects these methods and exposes them to the Engine.- For now, signals are still defined in the initSignals() method.- The plugin exposes the class name as the plugin name in getPluginName().- Automatically generates the gdap file to start using the plugin right away.