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To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser

Quick Information

GdUnit3 is a framework for testing Gd-Scrips/C# and Scenes within the Godot editor. Write and run tests in GdScript and full C# testing support- Embedded test Inspector in the Godot to navigate over your test suites- Run test-suite(s) by using the context menu on FileSystem, ScriptEditor or GdUnit Inspector- Create test’s directly from the ScriptEditor- A Configurable template for the creation of a new test-suite- A spacious set of Asserts use to verify your code- Argument matchers to verify the behavior of a function call by a specified argument type.- Fluent syntax support- Test Fuzzing support- Parameterized Tests (Test Cases)- Mocking a class to simulate the implementation which you define the output of certain function- Spy on a instance to verify that a function has been called with certain parameters.- Mock or Spy on a Scene- Provides a scene runner to simulate interactions on a scene - Simulate by Input events like mouse and/or keyboard - Simulate scene processing by a certain number of frames - Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific signal - Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific function result- Update Notifier to install latest version from GitHub- Command Line Tool- Visual Studio Code support by (GdUnit Test Explorer) extension- You are welcome to test in and send me your feedback- You are welcome to suggest improvements- You are welcome to report bugs
Roboto Mono Variable Font
This download contains Roboto Mono as both variable fonts and static fonts.
Roboto Mono is a variable font with this axis: wght
This means all the styles are contained in these files: RobotoMono-VariableFont_wght.ttf RobotoMono-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf
If your app fully supports variable fonts, you can now pick intermediate styles that aren’t available as static fonts. Not all apps support variable fonts, and in those cases you can use the static font files for Roboto Mono: static/RobotoMono-Thin.ttf static/RobotoMono-ExtraLight.ttf static/RobotoMono-Light.ttf static/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf static/RobotoMono-Medium.ttf static/RobotoMono-SemiBold.ttf static/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf static/RobotoMono-ThinItalic.ttf static/RobotoMono-ExtraLightItalic.ttf static/RobotoMono-LightItalic.ttf static/RobotoMono-Italic.ttf static/RobotoMono-MediumItalic.ttf static/RobotoMono-SemiBoldItalic.ttf static/RobotoMono-BoldItalic.ttf
Get started
Install the font files you want to use
Use your app's font picker to view the font family and all the available styles
Learn more about variable fonts
In desktop apps
Installing fonts
MacOS: Linux: Windows:
Android Apps
Please read the full license text (LICENSE.txt) to understand the permissions, restrictions and requirements for usage, redistribution, and modification.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.
This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.
GdUnit3 is a framework for testing Gd-Scrips/C# and Scenes within the Godot editor.
- Write and run tests in GdScript and full C# testing support
- Embedded test Inspector in the Godot to navigate over your test suites
- Run test-suite(s) by using the context menu on FileSystem, ScriptEditor or GdUnit Inspector
- Create test’s directly from the ScriptEditor
- A Configurable template for the creation of a new test-suite
- A spacious set of Asserts use to verify your code
- Argument matchers to verify the behavior of a function call by a specified argument type.
- Fluent syntax support
- Test Fuzzing support
- Parameterized Tests (Test Cases)
- Mocking a class to simulate the implementation which you define the output of certain function
- Spy on a instance to verify that a function has been called with certain parameters.
- Mock or Spy on a Scene
- Provides a scene runner to simulate interactions on a scene
- Simulate by Input events like mouse and/or keyboard
- Simulate scene processing by a certain number of frames
- Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific signal
- Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific function result
- Update Notifier to install latest version from GitHub
- Command Line Tool
- Visual Studio Code support by (GdUnit Test Explorer) extension
- You are welcome to test in and send me your feedback
- You are welcome to suggest improvements
- You are welcome to report bugs
Quick Information

GdUnit3 is a framework for testing Gd-Scrips/C# and Scenes within the Godot editor. Write and run tests in GdScript and full C# testing support- Embedded test Inspector in the Godot to navigate over your test suites- Run test-suite(s) by using the context menu on FileSystem, ScriptEditor or GdUnit Inspector- Create test’s directly from the ScriptEditor- A Configurable template for the creation of a new test-suite- A spacious set of Asserts use to verify your code- Argument matchers to verify the behavior of a function call by a specified argument type.- Fluent syntax support- Test Fuzzing support- Parameterized Tests (Test Cases)- Mocking a class to simulate the implementation which you define the output of certain function- Spy on a instance to verify that a function has been called with certain parameters.- Mock or Spy on a Scene- Provides a scene runner to simulate interactions on a scene - Simulate by Input events like mouse and/or keyboard - Simulate scene processing by a certain number of frames - Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific signal - Simulate scene proccessing by waiting for a specific function result- Update Notifier to install latest version from GitHub- Command Line Tool- Visual Studio Code support by (GdUnit Test Explorer) extension- You are welcome to test in and send me your feedback- You are welcome to suggest improvements- You are welcome to report bugs