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Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans

An asset by ClutteredCode
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans thumbnail image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans thumbnail image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans thumbnail image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans thumbnail image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans thumbnail image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans hero image

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Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans icon image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans

2D and 3D Components to manage health, damage, and healing

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Modified Date
11 days ago
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Godot Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes, and HitScans

README Godot README LICENSE README Current Release README actions README Downloads

README Live Example README ko-fi

README Health Health

Health component tracks an entity's health and emits signals for various health realted changes.

README Health Inspector

README HurtBox2D Hurtbox README HurtBox3D

HurtBox2D and HurtBox3D components require a Collision Shape so it can be detected and is assigned a README Health Health component to apply damage and healing when hit.

README HurtBox2D Inspector

README HitBox2D Hitbox README HitBox3D

HitBox2D and HitBox3D components require a Collision Shape to detect collisions with a README HurtBox2D HurtBox2D or README HurtBox3D HurtBox3D to apply DAMAGE or HEAL.

README HitBox2D Inspector

README HitScan2D HitScan README HitScan3D

HitScan2D and HitScan3D components extend RayCast2D and RayCast3D to detect collisions with a README Hurtbox2D HurtBox2D or README Hurtbox3D HurtBox3D to apply DAMAGE or HEAL.

README HitScan2D Inspector

Live Example Demonstration - godot-health-hitbox-hurtbox-hitscan


Asset Library Installation

  1. Open the AssetLib tab in the Godot Editor.
  2. Search for Health, HitBox, or HurtBox in the search bar.
  3. Click the download button next to the Health, HitBoxes, and HurtBoxes plugin.
  4. Once the installation is complete, go to Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins.
  5. Find the Health, HitBoxes, and HurtBoxes plugin in the list and check the box to enable it.


README CharacterBody2D Structure

  1. Add a Health node to a Node that needs health (ie. CharacterBody2D or StaticBody3D)
  2. Add a HurtBox2D node with a CollisionShape2D to the same Node.
  3. Set the HurtBox2D collision layer.
  4. HitBox2D or HitScan2D
    • Create a projectile or melee weapon with a HitBox2D and set the collision mask to the same layer as the HurtBox2D collision layer. This will automatically apply damage and healing.
    • Create a gun with a HitScan2D extending from the barrel and set the collision mask to the same layer as the HurtBox2D collision layer. fire() needs to be called on the HitScan2D to apply damage and healing.


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2D and 3D Components to manage health, damage, and healing


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans icon image
Health, HitBoxes, HurtBoxes and HitScans

2D and 3D Components to manage health, damage, and healing

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
11 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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