Level Manager

An asset by iatenine
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Level Manager hero image

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Level Manager icon image
Level Manager

Allows you to easily store, load and switch levels with as well as make nodes persistent by simply adding them to a group

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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Designed to store, switch between and maintain statefulness between all the scenes of your game

How to Use

Level Management

  • Attach level_manager.gd to the root node of a(n ideally empty) scene in your game and set it to the "Main Scene" in Project Settings -> General -> Run if not already
  • Resize the world array to fit the PackedScenes you'd like to use in the game
  • Add any PackedScenes you'd like to instance in the game
  • Set the curr_scene to the index of the scene you'd like to be loaded at the start of the game

Implementing passages

To create a passageway, simply create an item that emits the signal specified in the signal_name with a parameter of the index of the scene you'd like to load (as it was entered in the world array above)

example: func _ready(): add_user_signal("switch_room", [TARGET_SCENE])

NOTE: Adding a signal implicitly has been known to cause bugs, it is highly recommended to use the add_user_signal() function in your dooors, hallways, warp points, etc

State Management

If you'd like an object to maintain its state upon returning to a scene, add it to a group that shares the name specified by the stateful_group_name variable. By default this will only save user-defined variables unless you've set the deep_save flag to true (uses lots of memory, not recommended in most cases)

Allows you to easily store, load and switch levels with as well as make nodes persistent by simply adding them to a group


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Level Manager icon image
Level Manager

Allows you to easily store, load and switch levels with as well as make nodes persistent by simply adding them to a group

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers