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Visual Shader Height Blend Node

An asset by Foyezes
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Visual Shader Height Blend Node hero image

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Visual Shader Height Blend Node icon image
Visual Shader Height Blend Node

This is a visual shader addon that adds the HeightBlend node to the visual shader editor.

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Modified Date
1 month ago
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Godot HeightBlend Node

This is a visual shader addon for Godot 4.2+. This adds the HeightBlend node to the visual shader editor. This node lets you blend between two heightmaps or use a single heightmap with a mask. README image

You can blend between two heightmaps. In first example below, the first heightmap is a rock and the second one is dirt. Using the Height Offset parameter you can place the dirt in the crevices of the rock. You can mask the blended texture, as seen in the second example.

Two heightmap blend With mask
README image README image

You can use a single heightmap. In this case you want to leave the Height 2 value at 0.5.

README image

You can adjust the Contrast and Height Offset parameters to get desired results.


Extract the zip file and copy the folder to your project. You'll need to restart the editor for the node to appear in visual shader. Alternatively, you can make a new gdscript file and copy the code.

This is a visual shader addon that adds the HeightBlend node to the visual shader editor.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Visual Shader Height Blend Node icon image
Visual Shader Height Blend Node

This is a visual shader addon that adds the HeightBlend node to the visual shader editor.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 month ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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