Solo Visibility - Focus on selection

An asset by SheepCommander
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Solo Visibility - Focus on selection hero image

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Solo Visibility - Focus on selection icon image
Solo Visibility - Focus on selection

Use Shift+H to hide all nodes in the scene tree except the selected nodes.Ctrl+Z (or editor equivalent) will restore the previous state of all nodes.

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Modified Date
4 months ago
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Solo Visibility

A godot 4.x plugin that implements

Use Shift + H to hide all nodes in the current scene except the selected ones.

Use Ctrl + Z (or editor equivalent) to undo. This will restore the previous visibility of nodes before pressing Shift + H.

Once installed Hotkey can be customized via the Godot inspector tab in res://addons/solo_visibility/hide_nodes_shortcut.tres

Addon is currently pending on the Godot Asset Library.


  1. Extract and open Godot Engine:
  2. Download the addons folder and drag it into your godot project
  3. Enable the plugin in the Project Settings / Plugin tab

Download from the Asset Library is still pending

Known issues

Disabling the plugin causes Undo Hide Non-selected Nodes to break, even if the plugin is re-enabled before attempting to undo. I suspect this is Godot-level and cannot be fixed on the plugin's end.

Please remember to undo the Hide Non-Selected Nodes operation before disabling the plugin.

Use Shift+H to hide all nodes in the scene tree except the selected nodes.

Ctrl+Z (or editor equivalent) will restore the previous state of all nodes.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Solo Visibility - Focus on selection icon image
Solo Visibility - Focus on selection

Use Shift+H to hide all nodes in the scene tree except the selected nodes.Ctrl+Z (or editor equivalent) will restore the previous state of all nodes.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 months ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers