Layered Sprite Tool

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Layered Sprite Tool

Layered Sprite is a Godot tool to easily divide a sprite in layers. It can be used for customizable characters.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Layered Sprite


Layered Sprite is a Godot tool to easily divide a sprite in layers. It can be used for customizable characters.


For a better understanding of the tool, please consider taking a look at the demo.


To use this in your scenes, add a LayeredSprite node. Then, as childs of that node, add Sprite or AnimatedSprite nodes. Give names to those nodes, as they will later be the layer names. You can also give those nodes their default texture or SpriteFrames.


  • add_animated_sprite_layer(layer_name: String, frames: SpriteFrames = null) -> void: Creates a new AnimatedSprite layer.
  • add_sprite_layer(layer_name: String, texture: Texture = null) -> void: Creates a new Sprite layer.
  • get_layer_count() -> int: Returns the number of layers, that is, the number of Sprite and AnimatedSprite childs.
  • get_layer_position(layer_name: String) -> int: Returns the position (or depth) of the layer. Layers with lower position draw first, behind layers with higher position.
  • get_layers() -> Dictionary: Returns a Dictionary of every layer, where the Keys are the layer names and the Values a reference to the layer node.
  • has_layer(layer_name: String) -> bool: Returns whether or not such layer exists.
  • is_animated_sprite_layer(layer_name: String) -> bool: Returns whether or not such layer is an AnimatedSprite layer.
  • is_sprite_layer(layer_name: String) -> bool: Returns whether or not such layer is a Sprite layer.
  • move_layer(layer_name: String, to_position: int) -> void: Moves a layer to the given position. It uses Godot's move_child in the background.
  • remove_layer(layer_name: String) -> void: Removes a layer.
  • set_animation(animation: String) -> void: Sets an animation to all AnimatedSprite layers.
  • set_layer_animation(layer_name: String, animation: String) -> void: Sets an animation to a specific AnimatedSprite layer.
  • set_layer_asset(layer_name: String, asset) -> void: Sets the asset of a layer, that is, its texture or SpriteFrames.
  • set_layer_visible(layer_name: String, value: bool) -> void: Sets the visible property of a layer. Please, don't directly modify the visible parameter of layers.


To manage different layer assets you can use a LayeredSpriteCloset node. This node can handle groups of layers and lists of assets for each group. To organize this, you'll have to create different LayerGroup resources. Each group has a name and one or more members. Each member is a Dictionary entry, where the Key is the layer name and the value is an array of the different assets (texture or SpriteFrames).


  • layered_sprite: The LayeredSprite node to change.
  • groups: Array of LayerGroups.
  • current_group: The currently selected group.
  • current_group_index: The index of the currently selected group.


  • previous_group() -> void: Selects the previous group.
  • previous_asset() -> void: Selects the previous asset of the current group·
  • next_group() -> void: Selects the next group.
  • next_asset() -> void: Selects the next asset of the current group·
  • set_group_index(value: int) -> void: Selects a group given it's index.
  • set_asset_index(value: int) -> void: Selects an asset of the current group given it's index.

Layered Sprite is a Godot tool to easily divide a sprite in layers. It can be used for customizable characters.


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Layered Sprite Tool icon image
Layered Sprite Tool

Layered Sprite is a Godot tool to easily divide a sprite in layers. It can be used for customizable characters.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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Browse assets directly from Godot

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Created by developers for developers