Subtitle Support Sample Project

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Subtitle Support Sample Project

This plugin was created to help you work with subtitles inside Godot. It allowes you to import an srt format subtitle file into any scene.It works by converting the SRT file into a Godot Animation Resource. This way you can use any AnimationPlayer and RichLabelText node to play the subtitle.The reason behind using an Animation Resouce is to take advantage of the power of animations in Godot. Once the animation is created, all the information is compressed and managed by the engine just like any other resource.

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2 years ago
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Godot Subtitles Plugin

This is a sample project that shows how to use both "SRTImporter" and "LiveCaption" nodes for Godot 3.

The project includes:

  • A sample scene including an ogv format video and srt subtitles both on spanish and english, imported into the scene using the SRTImporter node.
  • A playground scene where you can play with the LiveCaption node.

How to install the plugin?

Just import the "godot_subtitles" addon folder inside your project and enable the plugin inside the project manager. After doing this you will find the new nodes available for you.

1. SRTImporter node

README image

This node was created to help you work with subtitles inside Godot. It allowes you to import an srt format subtitle file into any scene.

It works by converting the SRT file into a Godot Animation Resource. This way you can use any AnimationPlayer and RichLabelText node to show the subtitles.

The reason behind using an Animation Resouce is to take advantage of the power of animations in Godot. Once the animation is created, all the information is compressed and managed by the engine just like any other resource.

How to use the SRTImporter node?

Once you import the addon, you will find available the new "SRTImporter" node.

This node will import the srt and save it into an Animation, displaying the captions on any RichLabelText node that you have on your scene. You will have to setup some node properties first:

README image

  • SRT file: select any .srt file that you want to import
  • Label node: the path to the RichTextLabel node where you want to show the subtitles
  • AnimationPlayer node: the path to the AnimationPlayer node where you want to create the new animation
  • Animation name: the name of the new animation. If an animation with the same name exists within the animation player, it will overwritten
  • Animation step: this is the step used for the new animation, you will probably want to keep this on 0.001
  • Alignment: forces an alignment on every line of the subtitle. Options are center, left, right and fill.
  • Import animation: used to import the srt file into the animation player

Once you finished the setup of the SRTImported node you can click the "Import Animation" checkbox to import the srt file.

If you go to the animation player you will now see a new animation, where the tracks are animating the bbcode_text property of the richTextLabel node.

README image

2. LiveCaption node

The LiveCaption node is ment to be used as a way to easily show subtitles and all kind of captions into the screen. With this node you can:

  • show dialog using proper dialog text format (i.e [Harry] ¡Hello!)
  • configure dialog color by character
  • apply a "mood" to the dialog: using several text formats and effects
  • show descriptive caption: used to caption sources of sounds other than dialogs. (i.e [Door closing sound])

How to use the LiveCaption node?

Just add a LiveCaption node into any scene. You can reference this node from any script to access and use any of the LiveCaption methods (caption(), dialog(), descriptive()).

You can create a subtitle easily by calling: live_caption.caption("Hello, world!").
README image

Or create a character and show dialog by calling:

live_caption.set_character_color("Alyx Vance", Color.cornflower)
live_caption.dialog("Alyx Vance", "Dr. Freeman, I pressume?")

README image

Apply several moods:

live_caption.dialog("G-Man", "Time to choose...", LiveCaption.CAPTION_MOOD.SHAKE)

README image

LiveCaption properties

README image

  • duration: float the default duration for all captions
  • inter_duration: float the duration of the pause between captions
  • alignment: [center, left, right, fill] default alignment of the caption on screen
  • default_color: Color the default color for all captions
  • shake_rate: int the value of the rate attribute for the shake effect
  • shake_level: int the value of level attribute for the shake effect

LiveCaption methods

* caption(text: String, force_clear: bool = false, timeout: float = duration)

Displays the the "text" content on screen. Use "force_clear" to clear any content on the screen before showing this caption. Use "timeout" to setup a custom duration for this caption

* dialog(character: String, text: String, mood: int = CAPTION_MOOD.DEFAULT, force_clear: bool = false, timeout: float = duration)

Displays the "text" content on the screen, using a character dialog format. Character name will be shown using bracket symbols, and the text can be tinted with a custom color. Additionally a "mood" can be applied to the dialog, displaying an custom format/effect on the text shown. See available moods on the CAPTION_MOOD enum.

* descriptive(text: String, force_clear: bool = false, timeout: float = duration)

Displays the "text" content on the screen, using a descriptive caption format. Use descriptive captions for other kind of sounds that are not dialog, for example: scene descriptions, explosions, gun fires, etc.

* set_character_color(character: String, color: Color)

Sets a custom color on any character. This color is used to tint the character dialog on screen.


  • DEFAULT default caption format
  • UPPERCASE applies uppercase to the caption
  • QUOTE wraps the caption on double quotes and italic
  • ITALIC shows the caption on italic
  • BOLD shows the caption on bold
  • SHAKE applies a shake effect on the caption


This plugin works only with a RichTextLabel node, because it takes advantage of the bb code format available on this node to show formatted text.

Default srt formatting tags will be converted into BB code:

  • </b> will be converted to [b] (bold text)
  • </i> will be converted to [i] (italic text)
  • </u> will be converted to [u] (underlined text)
  • <font color="#FF0000">...</font> will be converted to [color=#FF0000]...[/color]

You can also use any SRT editor and bbcode text on the LiveCaption node to work with your custom BB Code tags, it will be converted correctly by the plugin. For example you can use the custom bb code tags from Godot:

Contact me

My name is Federico Pacheco and you can reach me if at you have any questions or ideas about the plugin.

This plugin was created to help you work with subtitles inside Godot. It allowes you to import an srt format subtitle file into any scene.

It works by converting the SRT file into a Godot Animation Resource. This way you can use any AnimationPlayer and RichLabelText node to play the subtitle.

The reason behind using an Animation Resouce is to take advantage of the power of animations in Godot. Once the animation is created, all the information is compressed and managed by the engine just like any other resource.


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Subtitle Support Sample Project icon image
Subtitle Support Sample Project

This plugin was created to help you work with subtitles inside Godot. It allowes you to import an srt format subtitle file into any scene.It works by converting the SRT file into a Godot Animation Resource. This way you can use any AnimationPlayer and RichLabelText node to play the subtitle.The reason behind using an Animation Resouce is to take advantage of the power of animations in Godot. Once the animation is created, all the information is compressed and managed by the engine just like any other resource.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
2 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers