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Extra Snaps

An asset by arsith__
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Extra Snaps image holder but it is empty

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Extra Snaps

Adds extra snapping functionalities for Node3D objects. Allows Node3D objects to snap to physics bodies or CSG objects with collision.- Select a Node3D object that you want to move,- While pressing Ctrl / Cmd + W, move your cursor along a surface to snap the selected object to the surface,- Release Ctrl / Cmd + W to confirm.

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Modified Date
1 month ago
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Adds extra snapping functionalities for Node3D objects. Allows Node3D objects to snap to physics bodies or CSG objects with collision.

- Select a Node3D object that you want to move,
- While pressing Ctrl / Cmd + W, move your cursor along a surface to snap the selected object to the surface,
- Release Ctrl / Cmd + W to confirm.


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Quick Information

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Extra Snaps icon image
Extra Snaps

Adds extra snapping functionalities for Node3D objects. Allows Node3D objects to snap to physics bodies or CSG objects with collision.- Select a Node3D object that you want to move,- While pressing Ctrl / Cmd + W, move your cursor along a surface to snap the selected object to the surface,- Release Ctrl / Cmd + W to confirm.

Supported Engine Version
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Support Level
Modified Date
1 month ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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