Scratch Canvas

An asset by boukew99
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Scratch Canvas

Canvas for drawing in Godot Engine with mouse, trackpad, touch and pen. Also includes optional demo (scratch_drawer) of how to use it.* The Canvas is an extension of TextureButton and uses Line2D for drawing.* The drawing line can be edited and some examples are given. * The canvas can capture the screen and use that as the texture of the Canvas. Then the lines are hidden, to decrease drawing cost.

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2 years ago
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Canvas for drawing in Godot Engine with mouse, trackpad, touch and pen.

~94 lines of code | ~6.2 kB


  • Instance it in your scene
  • The Canvas is an extension of TextureButton and uses Line2D for drawing.
  • The drawing line can be edited.
  • The optimized canvas captures the screen and uses that as the texture of the Canvas. Then the lines are hidden, to decrease drawing cost.




Have an adjustable canvas scene that you can just instance and use.

Canvas for drawing in Godot Engine with mouse, trackpad, touch and pen. Also includes optional demo (scratch_drawer) of how to use it.

* The Canvas is an extension of TextureButton and uses Line2D for drawing.
* The drawing line can be edited and some examples are given.
* The canvas can capture the screen and use that as the texture of the Canvas. Then the lines are hidden, to decrease drawing cost.


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Scratch Canvas icon image
Scratch Canvas

Canvas for drawing in Godot Engine with mouse, trackpad, touch and pen. Also includes optional demo (scratch_drawer) of how to use it.* The Canvas is an extension of TextureButton and uses Line2D for drawing.* The drawing line can be edited and some examples are given. * The canvas can capture the screen and use that as the texture of the Canvas. Then the lines are hidden, to decrease drawing cost.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Released under the AGPLv3 license

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