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Character generator importer tool

An asset by ninetailsrabbit
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Character generator importer tool hero image

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Character generator importer tool icon image
Character generator importer tool

This is an unofficial tool that can be used as a plugin in Godot to speed up the process of creating animations for the character generator 2.0

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Modified Date
13 days ago
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Character generator importer tool

Speed up the process of creating animations from the character generator 2.0
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📦 Installation

  1. Download Latest Release
  2. Unpack the addons/ninetailsrabbit.character-generator-importer-tool folder into your /addons folder within the Godot project
  3. Enable this addon within the Godot settings: Project > Project Settings > Plugins

To better understand what branch to choose from for which Godot version, please refer to this table:

Godot Version Character generator importer tool Branch Character generator importer toolVersion
README GodotEngine main 1.x


  • One tool node that only generates the animations and then can be deleted from the scene tree
  • Create animated sprite and optionally the animation player for each spritesheet
  • Generate all the animation frames from body parts to be able to customize the character inside Godot with resources
  • Selectable Adult animations
  • Selectable Kid animations
  • Auto detect sprite size or set the values manually if you know the spritesheet size
  • Support for importing individual spritesheets or all spritesheets contained within a folder

Getting started

This is an unofficial tool that can be used as a plugin in Godot to speed up the process of creating animations for the character generator included in this asset

There is no examples of spritesheet in the repository as it is a paid tool but the process is very simple I promise

Add the node to the scene

README importer_search

Choose the spritesheets to import

README importer_properties

  • Generate animations: Tool button to start the generation of AnimatedSprite2D from the spritesheets
  • Clear animations: Clear the animations generated in the scene tree

  • Create animation player: When active creates an AnimationPlayer node for each AnimatedSprite2D, needed if you want to use them later in an AnimationTree.
  • Character spritesheet: Select an individual character spritesheet .png to import from your project
  • Character spritesheet folder: Select a folder to import all the character spritesheets inside

  • Input folder parts: The folder where all the individual spritesheet parts to import are, animation frames will be generated as resources.
  • Output folder parts: The folder where to generate the output animation frames created from the spritesheets found at input_folder_parts

Select the parameters to import the spritesheets

README importer_search

  • Auto detect sprite size: The tool auto detect the sprite size and character type (Adult, Kid) to create the frames correctly
  • Sprite Size (not used if auto is active) The character generator tool gives you an option to save the spritesheets into 16x16, 32x32 or 48x48. Set that value here if you already know the size beforehand
  • Character type (not used if auto is active) The type of spritesheet to import Adult or Kid
  • Animation FPS: The animation fps value for the generated AnimatedSprite2D

Select the adult animations you want to include

README adult_animations

Select the kid animations you want to include

README kid_animations

Click the "Generate Animations" button

Individual spritesheet

README individual_spritesheet

README individual_spritesheet_frames

Spritesheet folder

README spritesheet_folder_generation

How to import spritesheet parts

The character generator tool saves all the spritesheet as separated body parts on the path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Character Generator 2.0\Character Pieces

README generator_parts_folder

Set in the CharacterGeneratorImporterTool the property input_folder_parts with a folder that exists in your Godot project and then copy all the character pieces folders (or only the parts you want) into it.

README input_folder_parts_set

Set in the CharacterGeneratorImporterTool the property output_folder_parts with a folder that exists in your Godot project to generate the parts as animation frame resources

README importer_path_folders

Click the Generate Animations button, this could take few seconds even using multiple threads so be patient if the editor freeze up for a moment.

⚠️ If you get an error when generate animations, you may have to restart the editor after importing all the parts ⚠️

README spritesheet_parts_final

README spritesheet_parts_final

This is an unofficial tool that can be used as a plugin in Godot to speed up the process of creating animations for the character generator 2.0


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Character generator importer tool icon image
Character generator importer tool

This is an unofficial tool that can be used as a plugin in Godot to speed up the process of creating animations for the character generator 2.0

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
13 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers