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Voxel Level Editor

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Voxel Level Editor

In-editor level creator based on voxels. After selecting a block from the panel to the left, you can place and delete blocks in your world. This can be used to make voxel based levels!Controls: < Left Click to place blocks>, <shift+left click to erase blocks>

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2 years ago
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Level Editor Plugin for Godot


1 - Description:

This is a Plugi-in I made for the Godot Game Engine. It is a in-editor voxel editor plugin.

2 - Features:

  • Multiple Brush Sizes
  • Backface Culling for optimization and inidividual face drawing
  • Robust chunk system for loading/unloading chunks
  • multi-threaded chunk loading/unloading based on player position
  • Object/Block separation. This plugin understands blocks as individual faces, whilst objects as scenes that can be instanced
  • Object Rotation
  • All the textures are in one big atlas to optimize draw calls. The atlas textures also support texture separation.
  • It supports low and high res textureses
  • on the fly chunk creation and deletion.

3 - Controls:

  • and to move the cursor Up and Down (changing layers)
  • and to rotate objects (currently blocks cannot be rotated)
  • to place blocks
  • <shift + left mouse click> to remove blocks

4 - How To Use import it into your own project:

  1. Copy the addons folder into your project
  2. Enable the plugin
  3. Make a new scene. The root should be spatial3D, and must have the script in it
  4. Make a child of this node called "Chunks", also spatial3D. Put the script in it.
  5. You should now be good to go. To add blocks, go to script and follow the instructions. same for objects. The instructions on the texture setup and such should be there.
  6. To change texture sizes, tile sizes, or set separation between textures, modify the constants in
  7. You may need to restart the editor for it to work. that's how godot plugins function for some reason.
  8. This template is using the atlas_texture_material material. Changing it will change your atlas texture. The image used for it is the atlas_texture.png under the textures folder.
  9. if you change your material, don't forget to also change its settings in There, you can set: your atlas image size, your tile size, and also the separation between tiles. That way the code will know how to separate the textures in the atlas , and will draw your tiles accordingly
  10. All of the project is commented and you can modify it to fit your needs.

##5 Known Issues:

  1. Saving the scene takes long - The Godot Editor always give a "bad comparison function; sorting will be broken" error

final notes:

  • There's an example scene into the project, called world.tscn. It has a camera, a functional player and a scene all set up

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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In-editor level creator based on voxels. After selecting a block from the panel to the left, you can place and delete blocks in your world. This can be used to make voxel based levels!
Controls: < Left Click to place blocks>,


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LittleMouseDev Rated positive

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Quick Information

1 ratings
Voxel Level Editor icon image
Voxel Level Editor

In-editor level creator based on voxels. After selecting a block from the panel to the left, you can place and delete blocks in your world. This can be used to make voxel based levels!Controls: < Left Click to place blocks>, <shift+left click to erase blocks>

Supported Engine Version
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License Version
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Modified Date
2 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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