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Screen Capture Saver

An asset by boukew99
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Screen Capture Saver hero image

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Screen Capture Saver

# Screen Capture AddonReady to be used Screen Capture scene. Just add the scene and call with `capture()`. Easily customizable since it just uses standard Godot functionality and is MIT Licencsed. Includes a test scene (main) to show three options and how to use them. Also includes a camera sound effect on capture. Should be straightforward, enjoy!

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Modified Date
2 years ago
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# Screen Capture Addon
Ready to be used Screen Capture scene. Just add the scene and call with `capture()`. Easily customizable since it just uses standard Godot functionality and is MIT Licencsed. Includes a test scene (main) to show three options and how to use them. Also includes a camera sound effect on capture. Should be straightforward, enjoy!


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Screen Capture Saver icon image
Screen Capture Saver

# Screen Capture AddonReady to be used Screen Capture scene. Just add the scene and call with `capture()`. Easily customizable since it just uses standard Godot functionality and is MIT Licencsed. Includes a test scene (main) to show three options and how to use them. Also includes a camera sound effect on capture. Should be straightforward, enjoy!

Supported Engine Version
Version String
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Modified Date
2 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers