
An asset by CactiChameleon9
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An Auto Sizing GridContainer for GodotHave you ever needed a grid container to hold lots of the same node with optimal sizing? Then this is for you! It automagically changes the columns value to fit all of your nodes optimally. A vertical scrollbar even appears if not everything can fit!See the included Example Scene for an implementation example.

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2 years ago
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Godot AutoGridContainer

An Auto Sizing GridContainer for Godot

Have you ever needed a grid container to hold lots of the same node? Then this is for you! It automagically changes the columns value to fit all of your nodes optimally (a vertical scrollbar appears if not everything can fit)

This repo contains 2 versions:

  • A more simple version. (single gdscript class, doesn't take max height into account, no scrollbar)
  • The full version. (godot scene with a script that includes height as a factor)

See it in action!!

README recording (sorry for the odd quality)

An Auto Sizing GridContainer for Godot

Have you ever needed a grid container to hold lots of the same node with optimal sizing? Then this is for you! It automagically changes the columns value to fit all of your nodes optimally. A vertical scrollbar even appears if not everything can fit!

See the included Example Scene for an implementation example.


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AutoGridContainer icon image

An Auto Sizing GridContainer for GodotHave you ever needed a grid container to hold lots of the same node with optimal sizing? Then this is for you! It automagically changes the columns value to fit all of your nodes optimally. A vertical scrollbar even appears if not everything can fit!See the included Example Scene for an implementation example.

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Modified Date
2 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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