Transit (Godot 4)

An asset by cuebitt
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Transit (Godot 4) hero image

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Transit (Godot 4)

A simple Godot 4 asset for smooth scene transitions.Simply call the `Transit.change_scene_to_file` with the path of the scene to change to, and a fade-in/fade-out transition will play as the scene is changed. Now for Godot 4!Forked from backwardspy/transit

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Modified Date
1 year ago
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README Transit

README Transit on the Godot Asset Library

A simple Godot asset for smooth scene transitions.

README GIF showing Transit in action


Add Transit to your project via the AssetLib tab in Godot. Deselect everything but the transit folder when first installing Transit.

README Image showing the package installer with only transit selected

Transit.tscn will be added as an Autoload Singleton once Transit is enabled in the plugins tab.

Now you can call Transit.change_scene_to_file in your scripts to change scenes in much the same way you would with SceneTree.change_scene_to_file. For example:

func on_button_pressed():


Change Scene

change_scene_to_file(path: String, duration: Float = 0.2, delay: float = 0)

Fades out, calls get_tree().change_scene_to_file(path), then fades back in. Emits the scene_changed signal once the transition is completed.


  • path: The scene to change to after fading out.
  • duration: How long in seconds the fade should last on each side of the transition. Defaults to 0.2s (200ms).
  • delay: How long to wait before starting the transition. Defaults to 0s, i.e no delay.


# A simple fade transition to `Game.tscn`.

# Then same as above, except each fade (out and in) takes half a second.
Transit.change_scene_to_file("res://Game.tscn", 0.5)

# The same as above, except now it waits for a full second before fading out.
Transit.change_scene_to_file("res://Game.tscn", 0.5, 1.0)

Set fade-to color

set_color(color: Color)

Sets the intermediate color to use when fading between scenes. The default is black. This function preserves the current alpha value, which means it's safe to change colours even while a fade is in progress.


  • color: The color to fade to. This is implemented as a ColorRect that exists on the highest canvas layer in the scene.


# Set fade color to white.

# This will now fade to white before changing to `Game.tscn`

Implementation Details

Transit works by creating a ColorRect on canvas layer #128 (the highest.) This ColorRect defaults to black with 0 alpha, with mouse filtering set to MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE. When change_scene_to_file is called, the following process happens:

  1. The ColorRect mouse filtering is set to MOUSE_FILTER_STOP to prevent further UI interaction.
  2. If delay is larger than 0, the function yields for that amount of time.
  3. An animation is played that fades the alpha value to 1 over the given time period.
  4. SceneTree.change_scene_to_file is invoked on the current tree, changing to the requested scene.
  5. The ColorRect mouse filtering is set back to MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE to allow UI interactions.
  6. The same fade animation as before is played in reverse to fade the ColorRect alpha back to 0.
  7. The scene_changed signal is emitted.

A simple Godot 4 asset for smooth scene transitions.

Simply call the `Transit.change_scene_to_file` with the path of the scene to change to, and a fade-in/fade-out transition will play as the scene is changed. Now for Godot 4!

Forked from backwardspy/transit


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Transit (Godot 4) icon image
Transit (Godot 4)

A simple Godot 4 asset for smooth scene transitions.Simply call the `Transit.change_scene_to_file` with the path of the scene to change to, and a fade-in/fade-out transition will play as the scene is changed. Now for Godot 4!Forked from backwardspy/transit

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

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Created by developers for developers