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Quick Information

An easy "plug and play" camera control script. Useful for development and quick tests.Features: - mouselook - movement - ingame gui (optional)How to use:There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the script settings.If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your camera with the "" script that can be found in the script folder.Documentation and more infos can be found in the asset folder or on Github.
Camera Control Script
An easy "plug and play" camera script for the godot engine 3.0 that provides controls like mouselook, movement and an optional ingame control gui. Useful for development and quick tests.
- mouselook
- movement
- ingame gui (optional)
Demo video:
Editor Settings

Ingame Gui

How to use
There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the script settings.
If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your camera with the "" script that can be found in the script folder.
Settings available via Editor/GDscript:
bool enable : enable/disable camera controls. Default is true.
int mouse_mode: Same as Godot's mouse settings by default the mouse is captured:
- Visible = 0 (MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE),
- Hidden = 1 (MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN),
- Capture = 2 (MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED),
- Confined = 3 (MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED).
bool mouselook - Enable/disable mouselook. Default is true.
float sensitivity - Sensitivity of the mouselook. A value between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.5.
float smoothness - Smoothness of the mouselook. A value between 0,001 and 0,999. Default value is 0.5.
Spatial privot - Optional privot object for thirdperson like mouselook. Default value is None (no privot).
bool rotate_privot - Enable/disable if the will be rotated with the camera. Default is false.
float distance - The distance between the camera and the privot object. Minimum value is 0. Default value is 5.0
bool rotate_privote - Rotate privot object with the mouselook. Default is false.
bool collision - The camera avoid it to go through/behind objects. Default is true.
int yaw_limit - Limit the yaw of the mouselook in Degrees, if limit >= 360 there is no limit. Default value is 360.
int pitch_limit - Limit the Pitch of the mouselook in Degrees, if limit = 360 there is no limit. Default value is 360.
bool movement - Enable/disable camera movement (flying). Default is true.
bool local - Switch between movement on local or global axes. Default is true.
float acceleration - Set the movement speed up factor. A Value between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.0.
float deceleration - Set the movement slow down factor. A Value between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.1.
Vector3 max_speed - Set maximum movement speed for each axes separately. Default value is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
String forword_action - Input Action for fordward movement. Default action is "ui_up".
String backward_action - Input Action for backward movement. Default action is "ui_down".
String left_action - Input Action for Left movement. Default action is "ui_left".
String right_action: Input Action for Right movement. Default action is "ui_right".
String up_action - Input Action for upward movement. Default action is "ui_page_up".
String down_action: Input Action for downward movement. Default action is "ui_page_down".
String gui_action - Input Action to show/hide the ingame control gui. Default action is "ui_cancel".
bool use_gui - Enable/disable ingame gui. Default is true.
Gui configuration:
The ingame gui can also be configurated via constants in the script
- const Vector2 GUI_POS - The default position of the gui. Default is (10, 10).
- const Vector2 GUI_SIZE - The size of the gui. Default is (200, 0)
- const bool DRAGGABLE - Enable/disable draggable gui. Default is true.
- const bool CUSTOM_BACKGROUND - Enable/disable custom background color. Default is false.
- const Color CUSTOM_COLOR - Set custom background color.
- const MAX_SPEED - The maximal value of the speedslider
To-do/possible features:
- refactoring
- distance shortcut key.
- improve movement: speed shortcut
- multiple camera support/jump between cameras
- screenshot functionality(?)
- more modularisation(?)
- add signal notification(?)
- ...
All parts of this project that are not copyrighted or licensed by someone else are released free under the MIT License - see the file for details. Please keep license file, thanks. :)
An easy "plug and play" camera control script. Useful for development and quick tests.
- mouselook
- movement
- ingame gui (optional)
How to use:
There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the script settings.
If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your camera with the "" script that can be found in the script folder.
Documentation and more infos can be found in the asset folder or on Github.
Quick Information

An easy "plug and play" camera control script. Useful for development and quick tests.Features: - mouselook - movement - ingame gui (optional)How to use:There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the script settings.If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your camera with the "" script that can be found in the script folder.Documentation and more infos can be found in the asset folder or on Github.