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Metroidvania System

An asset by KoBeWi
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Metroidvania System hero image

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Metroidvania System

Metroidvania System (abbrevated as MetSys) is a general-purpose toolkit for creating metroidvania games in Godot game engine. It helps with map design, navigation and presentation, tracking collectibles and provides basic save data functionality related to the system. Its components can be used independently, even for games that aren't metroidvanias.To use it, copy "addons/MetroidvaniaSystem" to your project and enable the plugin in Plugins tab of Project Settings.The addon includes a sample project that shows how to use it.For more information, check the GitHub README/wiki or refer to the documentation of MetroidvaniaSystem class.

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Modified Date
23 days ago
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Metroidvania System (abbrevated as MetSys) is a general-purpose toolkit for creating metroidvania games in Godot game engine. It helps with map design, navigation and presentation, tracking collectibles and provides basic save data functionality related to the system. Its components can be used independently, even for games that aren't metroidvanias.

To use it, copy "addons/MetroidvaniaSystem" to your project and enable the plugin in Plugins tab of Project Settings.

The addon includes a sample project that shows how to use it.

For more information, check the GitHub README/wiki or refer to the documentation of MetroidvaniaSystem class.


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Metroidvania System icon image
Metroidvania System

Metroidvania System (abbrevated as MetSys) is a general-purpose toolkit for creating metroidvania games in Godot game engine. It helps with map design, navigation and presentation, tracking collectibles and provides basic save data functionality related to the system. Its components can be used independently, even for games that aren't metroidvanias.To use it, copy "addons/MetroidvaniaSystem" to your project and enable the plugin in Plugins tab of Project Settings.The addon includes a sample project that shows how to use it.For more information, check the GitHub README/wiki or refer to the documentation of MetroidvaniaSystem class.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
23 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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