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Material Icons for Godot

An asset by Jebedaia
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Material Icons for Godot hero image

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Material Icons for Godot icon image
Material Icons for Godot

Version on Repo is alwasy more up-to-dateTemplarian's Material-Design-Icons is a collection of icons for the Material Design specification.This addon provides the following nodes to use the icons in Godot:- MaterialIcon: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection.- MaterialButton: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection as a button (without label).It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot editor's toolbar.So you can find the icons easily.

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3 years ago
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README github-top-lang README lic README lic-font

MaterialIcons for Godot

Templarian's Material-Design-Icons is a collection of icons for the Material Design specification.

This addon provides the following nodes to use the icons in Godot:

  • MaterialIcon: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection.
  • MaterialButton: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection as a button (without label).

It's also adds IconsFinder to the Godot's Tools menu. So you can find the icons easily.

README IconsFinder Screen Shot

Version on Repo is alwasy more up-to-date
Templarian's Material-Design-Icons is a collection of icons for the Material Design specification.

This addon provides the following nodes to use the icons in Godot:
- MaterialIcon: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection.
- MaterialButton: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection as a button (without label).

It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot editor's toolbar.
So you can find the icons easily.


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Material Icons for Godot icon image
Material Icons for Godot

Version on Repo is alwasy more up-to-dateTemplarian's Material-Design-Icons is a collection of icons for the Material Design specification.This addon provides the following nodes to use the icons in Godot:- MaterialIcon: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection.- MaterialButton: A node that displays an icon from the Material Design Icons collection as a button (without label).It's also adds **IconsFinder** to the Godot editor's toolbar.So you can find the icons easily.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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