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3D Targeting System

An asset by JohnnyRouddro
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3D Targeting System

In this demo you can find 5 types of targeting system (including camera targeting).1. Direct: Like look_at() but uses positive z-axis2. Smooth-Follow: Non linear, Follows the target, no lock on3. Smooth-Lock: Non linear, locks on at end, not good for mecha feel4. Constant-Static: Linear, simpler code, for static target/player, good for static mechanical stuff5. Constant-Moving: Linear, more complex code, works with moving target/player, good for moving mecha

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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README Screenshot 1 README Screenshot 2 README Screenshot 3

In this demo you can find 5 types of targeting system (including camera targeting).

1. Direct: Like look_at() but uses positive z-axis
2. Smooth-Follow: Non linear, Follows the target, no lock on
3. Smooth-Lock: Non linear, locks on at end, not good for mecha feel
4. Constant-Static: Linear, simpler code, for static target/player, good for static mechanical stuff
5. Constant-Moving: Linear, more complex code, works with moving target/player, good for moving mecha


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Quick Information

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3D Targeting System icon image
3D Targeting System

In this demo you can find 5 types of targeting system (including camera targeting).1. Direct: Like look_at() but uses positive z-axis2. Smooth-Follow: Non linear, Follows the target, no lock on3. Smooth-Lock: Non linear, locks on at end, not good for mecha feel4. Constant-Static: Linear, simpler code, for static target/player, good for static mechanical stuff5. Constant-Moving: Linear, more complex code, works with moving target/player, good for moving mecha

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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