CSG Exporter

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CSG Exporter

Godot editor plugin to export CSG Meshes as Wavefront (.obj) files.

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Modified Date
4 years ago
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Godot CSG Exporter

Godot editor plugin to export CSG Meshes as Wavefront (.obj) files.

README Godot CSG Mesh README Exporter Wavefront Mesh on Blender

For now the plugin is only able to export the raw mesh, not any materials appended to it.

How to install

Add the addon on your Godot project (you may copy the addon from this project folder, or install it via AssetLib). Then activate it on the project settings "Plugins" tab.

How to use it

Whenever you click on a root CSGMesh, the addon will add a "Export CSG" button to the Spatial Editor upper bar. This will open a File Dialog popup so you can choose where to save the exported file. README Exporter option on Godot spatial container

Why using it

CSG Meshes are quite useful to prototyping and making quick modifications on levels, but sometimes you may want to export the mesh made in Godot so it can be edited in other software (e.g. Blender)

Godot editor plugin to export CSG Meshes as Wavefront (.obj) files.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
CSG Exporter icon image
CSG Exporter

Godot editor plugin to export CSG Meshes as Wavefront (.obj) files.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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Browse assets directly from Godot

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