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An asset by To-Fujita
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Cube_Characters hero image

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Cube_Characters icon image

This is an Asset as some simple characters based on cubes. It is very easy to change their textures and/or to create new animations.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
4 years ago
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1. Description:

I have tried to create some simple Cube_Characters with animations based on Godot Engine ver. 3.2.
It is very easy to change their textures and to add some new animations.

2. Demo:

Cube Characters Animation Demo
This Demo is confirmed by Microsoft Edge (Ver. 11.0.17763.379), Firefox (Ver. 65.0.2/64 bit) and Google Chrome (Ver. 73.0.3683.86/64 bit) under the condition of Windows 10.

3. Usage:

README Images for Cube_Characters

3-1. Cubes

It is needed 10 cubes for a chracter. That is a head, a body, 4 sets of arms and 4 sets of legs. The size for each cube is shown in above. The caracter size is able to change by setting the scale.

3-2. Textures

A texture for an aspect is a square (n x n pixels). The texture image size for a cube is 3n x 2n. Please refer to the image above.

3-3. Animations

I have created several simple animations as a demo. The animation is able to create by to set the positions and the rotations of each cube on animation player.

4. Reference:

Godot Engine: Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
Godot-Virtual-Joystick: Virtual Joystick with Godot Engine 3.x

5. Licence:


6. Author:

T. Fujita

This is an Asset as some simple characters based on cubes. It is very easy to change their textures and/or to create new animations.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Cube_Characters icon image

This is an Asset as some simple characters based on cubes. It is very easy to change their textures and/or to create new animations.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
4 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

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