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SPHater demo

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SPHater demo

A particle based fluid/water demo in Godot 3.0.Instructions on how to use it is in the README file that it comes with.

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Modified Date
6 years ago
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Particle based water simulation demo in Godot 3.0. This my first working SPH simulation in any language. And for me that's saying a lot.

How to use SPHater

This fluid simulation uses the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics technique to control how the particles interact with each other. A lot could be done with the code. The demo itself though is pretty simple. The particles are initialized in the classic dam break configuration. Showcasing how the fluid flows. You can also pick up the fluid particles and toss it around by holding the mouse. Particles around the mouse will get attracted to it.

The fluid can also have different visualizations. They can be accessed by pressing the corresponding numbers(no numpads).

  • 1- default water look.
  • 2- visualize pressure.
  • 3- visualize viscosity.

To finish this off, you can pause with P and reset with R.

A particle based fluid/water demo in Godot 3.0.
Instructions on how to use it is in the README file that it comes with.


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SPHater demo icon image
SPHater demo

A particle based fluid/water demo in Godot 3.0.Instructions on how to use it is in the README file that it comes with.

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
6 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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