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Twine story importer

An asset by Dizzar
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
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Twine story importer

This tool allows you easier access to Twine stories in Godot.

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5 years ago
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Twison to godot

This script allows easier communication between Twine and Godot using Twison exporter.

Tested with Godot 3.1, but should work with later versions.

To start using this script, copy script located under modules/twison-godot folder to your project, at any location. (For example: res://modules/twison-godot/

For instructions on how to install, configure and use Twine and Twison exporter (clickable), refer to their respective documentations.

Once you have created and exported your story to json format, all you have to do to import your story to godot is import the script and call one function:

onready var twison = preload("res://path/to/")
onready var Twison =

func _ready():

And done! Now you have access to all helper fucntions that this script provides for working with twine stories.

For more info head over to the wiki section, or take a look at example scene provided with the script which demonstrates basic usage (It is called Node2D.tscn, and is located at root of this repository). The script itself also has a lot of comments describing its inner workings.

Please note that this script only provides means with which to work with Twine stories, not how to display them. Example scene which is included with this script shows how to use RichTextLabel to display a story.

P.S. You can just import project.godot to the editor if you simply want to have a look. Just saying.

This tool allows you easier access to Twine stories in Godot.


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Twine story importer icon image
Twine story importer

This tool allows you easier access to Twine stories in Godot.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
5 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers