Image to terrain tool

An asset by angelqba
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Image to terrain tool thumbnail image
Image to terrain tool thumbnail image
Image to terrain tool hero image

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Image to terrain tool icon image
Image to terrain tool

This addon allows you to create a terrain from an image. It uses the layers of an image and constructs the geometry using each pixel color. Currently, it supports a "terrain" layer, and a "water" one. See included images in the demo folder. The image must be in TIFF format, uncompressed.

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Modified Date
3 years ago
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Simple and extensible godot addon to convert TIFF image layers to MeshInstances

README main image

How to use it:

Clone this repo and copy "addons" folder in your project.

Activate this plugin in Project Settings -> Plugins

Now you can create a ImageToScene node. README Adding a ImageToScene node

When you select it, you can specify a image in TIFF format to be loaded. README Load an image

You can find a sample image at res://addons/angelqba.image_to_scene/demo/image1.tiff

Image Format

Images must be in TIFF format, uncompressed and all layers must have the same dimensions. Also, layers must be called "terrain" or "water", for the included generator to work. Layers are expected to have this format: TYPE:PROCESSOR:BUILDER. Only type is required. Example: terrain:SimpleTerrainProcessor:SimpleTerrainBuilder or terrain or terrain::SimpleTerrainBuilder

I use Gimp to create and export them. In the demo folder, are sample images to test.


Now you can see in the left panel, an image preview, a preview of each layer. README Configuration panel

Push the "Update Model" at the bottom. I recomend using 250x250 images to see how long does it take to generate the mesh. README Updating model

Layer Configuration

Some layer can be configured. If you activated the angelqba.I2S.simple_object addon, you can configure layers of type "object". Select a layer of type object, and a "Layer Inspector" panel will become available at the bottom. README Layer Inspector

In this case, you can set the Object (a scene file with a MeshInstance), the probability and the scale. README Oppened Layer Inspector

The final result. README Oppened Layer Inspector

Extendig it

You can create your own processors and builders. Basically, processors convert color info to coordinates. Builders use generated coordinates to create a MeshInstance.

Included in the addon, are a SimpleTerrainProcessor and a SimpleWaterProcessor. Also a SimpleTerrainBuilder and a SimpleWaterBuilder.

To add your own builder, for example, create a godot plugin, create a script the extends from "res://addons/angelqba.image_to_scene/builders/", reimplement what you want, and in you plugin, register it in the BuilderManager.

For example:

extends EditorPlugin

var object_processor: Node
var object_builder: Node
var registration_attempts = 10

func _enter_tree():
    # wait for the editor to load the main plugin
    get_tree().create_timer(1).connect("timeout", self, "register")
func register():
    var BuilderManager = get_tree().root.get_node("BuilderManager")
    var ProcessorManager = get_tree().root.get_node("ProcessorManager")
    object_builder = preload("res://addons/test/").new()
    object_processor = preload("res://addons/test/").new()
    if BuilderManager:
        # Register builders
        if not object_builder.builder_type in
  [object_builder.builder_type] = {}
           [object_builder.builder_type][object_builder.builder_name] = object_builder
        print('BuilderManager registered')
        print('No BuilderManager')
        if registration_attempts:
            registration_attempts -= 1
            get_tree().create_timer(1).connect("timeout", self, "register")

    if ProcessorManager:
        # Register processors
        if not object_processor.processor_type in ProcessorManager.processors:
            ProcessorManager.processors[object_processor.processor_type] = {}
        ProcessorManager.processors[object_processor.processor_type][object_processor.processor_name] = object_processor
        print('ProcessorManager registered')
        print('No ProcessorManager')
        if registration_attempts:
            registration_attempts -= 1
            get_tree().create_timer(1).connect("timeout", self, "register")

func _exit_tree():
    if object_builder:
    if object_processor:

Also, you could check the code of the included addon "angelqba.I2S.simple_object". It extends the functionality of the base addon to add a Simple Object Scatter functionality.

NOTE: Included assets in demo folder are from Kenney


  • Integration with HungryProton/scatter addon for object placement.
  • Material and other configurations in preview panel.

This addon allows you to create a terrain from an image. It uses the layers of an image and constructs the geometry using each pixel color. Currently, it supports a "terrain" layer, and a "water" one. See included images in the demo folder. The image must be in TIFF format, uncompressed.


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Image to terrain tool icon image
Image to terrain tool

This addon allows you to create a terrain from an image. It uses the layers of an image and constructs the geometry using each pixel color. Currently, it supports a "terrain" layer, and a "water" one. See included images in the demo folder. The image must be in TIFF format, uncompressed.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
3 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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