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Interactive Scene Changer (G4)

An asset by VP-GAMES
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Interactive Scene Changer (G4) thumbnail image
Interactive Scene Changer (G4) thumbnail image
Interactive Scene Changer (G4) hero image

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Interactive Scene Changer (G4) icon image
Interactive Scene Changer (G4)

Simple interactive scene changer. Implemented as singleton/autoload class. This class/script allows you to quickly and easily make transitions between large scenes. Implement your custom lightweight loading/transition screen and load large scene. You get feedback of loading status of your scene in procent(%). You can also setup you loading screen to awaiting player action to go to next scene. This implementation works also for web applications.Version 0.1.0

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Modified Date
1 year ago
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Simple interactive scene changer. Implemented as singleton/autoload class. This class/script allows you to quickly and easily make transitions between large scenes. Implement your custom lightweight loading/transition screen and load large scene. You get feedback of loading status of your scene in procent(%). You can also setup you loading screen to awaiting player action to go to next scene. This implementation works also for web applications.

Based on this solution:

Version 0.0.1

The following screenshots show the working areas of the plugin:


EN InteractiveSceneChanger README EN InteractiveSceneChanger

RU InteractiveSceneChanger README RU InteractiveSceneChanger

DE InteractiveSceneChanger README DE InteractiveSceneChanger


Transition scene immediately README Transition immediately

Transition scene with load button README Transition with load button

Simple interactive scene changer. Implemented as singleton/autoload class. This class/script allows you to quickly and easily make transitions between large scenes. Implement your custom lightweight loading/transition screen and load large scene. You get feedback of loading status of your scene in procent(%). You can also setup you loading screen to awaiting player action to go to next scene. This implementation works also for web applications.

Version 0.1.0


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Interactive Scene Changer (G4) icon image
Interactive Scene Changer (G4)

Simple interactive scene changer. Implemented as singleton/autoload class. This class/script allows you to quickly and easily make transitions between large scenes. Implement your custom lightweight loading/transition screen and load large scene. You get feedback of loading status of your scene in procent(%). You can also setup you loading screen to awaiting player action to go to next scene. This implementation works also for web applications.Version 0.1.0

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
1 year ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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