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To maintain one source of truth, Godot Asset Library is just a mirror of the old asset library so you can download directly on Godot via the integrated asset library browser
Quick Information
Godot object pool. Used to instantiate a pool of objects using a user-defined pool size, PackedScene, and prefix. Some convenience methods exposed allowing a pool.get_next_dead() to fetch the next available object from the pool.
godot-object pool
An object pool for Godot.
Usage example:
const Pool = preload("res://addons/godot-object-pool/")
const GreenBullet = preload("res://com/example/bullets/green_bullet.tscn")
const BULLET_POOL_PREFIX = "bullet"
onready var bullets = get_node("bullets")
onready var player = get_node("player")
onready var pool =, BULLET_POOL_PREFIX, GreenBullet)
func _ready():
# Attach pool of objects to the bullets node
# Attach the "on_pool_killed" method to the pool's "killed" signal
pool.connect("killed", self, "_on_pool_killed")
func _input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_select"):
var bullet = pool.get_first_dead()
if bullet: bullet.shoot(player.get_node("weapon_position"), player)
func _on_pool_killed(target):
print("Currently %d objects alive in pool" % pool.get_alive_count())
print("Currently %d objects dead in pool" % pool.get_dead_count())
Godot object pool. Used to instantiate a pool of objects using a user-defined pool size, PackedScene, and prefix. Some convenience methods exposed allowing a pool.get_next_dead() to fetch the next available object from the pool.
Quick Information
Godot object pool. Used to instantiate a pool of objects using a user-defined pool size, PackedScene, and prefix. Some convenience methods exposed allowing a pool.get_next_dead() to fetch the next available object from the pool.