Godot TwiCIL

An asset by Dr_TwiSteD
The page banner background of a mountain and forest
Godot TwiCIL image holder but it is empty

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Godot TwiCIL

An abstraction layer for Godot Engine to enable interaction with Twitch chat.You can find the legacy versoin (For 2.x) here: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/161History---------* v1.3.0 - Add your aliases for commands. They become a regular commands with a cloned reaction, so you can manage them as regular commands; - Chat list is now present, so you can track what users join or leave your chat (the corresponding signals are there) .* v1.2.1 - Integrated interactive commands.You can now easily add commands for the bot and reaction callbacks to them in a glimpse of a second!

Supported Engine Version
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Modified Date
6 years ago
Issue URL

Godot TwiCIL -- Godot Twitch Chat Interaction Layer


An abstraction layer for Godot Engine to enable interaction with twitch chat.

A basic explanation is available in this video (1.5x speed is recomended :D)

README GodotTwiCIL Brief Tutorial

How to use

  1. Create you Twitch API application here
  2. Generate a new OAUTH-Token here

Assuming you have added TwiCIL node to your scene:

onready var twicil = get_node("TwiCIL")

var nick = "MySuperGame"
var client_id = "myClient1D"
var oauth = "oauth:my0auTh"
var channel = "channel_name"

func _setup_twicil():
  twicil.connect_to_channel(channel, cleint_id, oauth, nick)
  # Enable loggin (disabled by default)
  # Add custom commands to game bot
  twicil.commands.add("hi", self, "_command_say_hi", 0)
  twicil.commands.add("bye", self, "_command_say_bye_to", 1)
  twicil.commands.add("!w", self, "_command_whisper", 0)
  # Add some aliases
  twicil.commands.add_aliases("hi", ["hello", "hi,", "hello,", "bye"])
  # Remove command/alias

func _command_say_hi(params):
  var sender = params[0]
  twicil.send_message(str("Hello, @", sender))

func _command_say_bye_to(params):
  var sender = params[0]
  var recipient = params[1]
  twicil.send_message(str("@", recipient, ", ", sender, " says bye! TwitchUnity"))

func _command_whisper(params):
  var sender = params[0]
  twicil.send_whisper(sender, "Boo!")

func _ready():



Method Params Description
connect_to_twitch_chat -- Establishes connection to Twitch IRC Chat Server
connect_to_channel channel -- channel name to connect to; client_id -- your client_id obtained from Twitch Developer Dashboard; password -- your oauth code obtained from Twitch Developer Dashboard; nickname -- nickname of account your app will be authorized in chat; realname (optional) -- not quite sure if it's necessary, but can be the same as nickname; Joins specified chat using provided credentials
set_logging state -- boolean state Enable/disable logging communication with server to stdout
connect_to_host host -- host IP or FDQN; port -- host port Establishes connection to specified host:port
send_command command -- raw text which is send Sends specified command/text directly to the server
send_message text -- message text Sends a regular message to the chat
send_whisper recipient -- has to be a valid user name; text -- message text Whispers (PM) a message to the specified user


Signal Params Description
message_recieved sender -- sender nickname; text -- message text Emitted on new messages send to chat
raw_response_recieved response -- raw response from Twitch IRC server Emitted on any response from Twitch IRC server recieved
user_appeared user -- user nickname Emitted on user join notification received from server. NOTE: this has a server delay of several minutes
user_disappeared user -- user nickname Emitted on user part notification received from server. NOTE: this has a server delay of several minutes

Manage interactive commands

Method Params Description
commands. add chat_command -- command text to react to; target -- target object on which method_name will be invoked; method_name -- method name to be invoked on the target object; params_count=1 -- parameters the command expects to be accepted as valid (optional param, default is 1); variable_params_count=false -- indicates if command can be called with any params count including none (optional param, default is false -- params count is mandatory). NOTE: Params are sent to callback as a list. First list member is ALWAYS sender nickname. See example godot-twicil-example.gd) Add command text chat_command to trigger method_name on target object and count command valid if params_count ammount of params is specified, or call it in any case if variable_params_count is set to true
commands. add_aliases chat_command -- command text alias(es) is/are set to; aliases -- a list of aliases to add to reaction of chat_command Add aliases to chat_command to list of reactions.
commands. remove chat_command -- command (or alias) text reaction is set to Remove command (or alias) from list of reactions


  • Add aliases for chat commands
  • Manage user states (connected/disconnected/banned users?)

An abstraction layer for Godot Engine to enable interaction with Twitch chat.

You can find the legacy versoin (For 2.x) here: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/161

* v1.3.0
- Add your aliases for commands. They become a regular commands with a cloned reaction, so you can manage them as regular commands;
- Chat list is now present, so you can track what users join or leave your chat (the corresponding signals are there) .

* v1.2.1
- Integrated interactive commands.
You can now easily add commands for the bot and reaction callbacks to them in a glimpse of a second!


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Quick Information

0 ratings
Godot TwiCIL icon image
Godot TwiCIL

An abstraction layer for Godot Engine to enable interaction with Twitch chat.You can find the legacy versoin (For 2.x) here: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/161History---------* v1.3.0 - Add your aliases for commands. They become a regular commands with a cloned reaction, so you can manage them as regular commands; - Chat list is now present, so you can track what users join or leave your chat (the corresponding signals are there) .* v1.2.1 - Integrated interactive commands.You can now easily add commands for the bot and reaction callbacks to them in a glimpse of a second!

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
Support Level
Modified Date
6 years ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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