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This addon provides a few shader nodes. It includes a slightly modified version of PerlinNoise3D, and 2 new implementations of VoronoiNoise3D and PixelNoise3DTo install as an addon, only include the "Addons" folder from this project when importing. This way you only install the shader nodes.

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5 days ago
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A library for noise functions in visual shaders.

The noise functions are not going to produce the exact same results as godot's noise functions. I simply wanted gpu noise functions which would produce the same types of noise for my shader graphs, while the outputs can be used the same way, they will not 100% match pixel-by-pixel.

If you want to recreate "domain warp", you can add PerlinNoise3D to the UV, for both the x and y coordinates.

Types of noise implemented

  • [PerlinNoise3D] Perlin noise, taken from the godot documentation. Since it is not included by default, but does follow the goals of this project. I have included it. I did not write this shader, it has been modified to use the z-coordinate of uv (now uvw) instead of time.
    • Inputs
      • uvw (vec3) - XYZ texture coordinates
      • offset (vec3) - Same as UVW, added
      • scale (vec3) - The scale of the noise, higher is smaller
    • Outputs (between 0 and 1)
      • result (float) - The resulting noise value at uvw + offset
  • [VoronoiNoise3D] Voronoi/Worley noise (aka cellular noise), written from scratch, similar outputs to godot's FastNoiseLite Cellular mode.
    • Inputs (usage similar to Cellular mode)
      • uvw (vec3) - XYZ texture coordinates
      • offset (vec3) - Same as UVW, added
      • scale (vec3) - The scale of the noise, higher is smaller
      • distance scale (float) - A float which scales the distance, this has a similar effect as multiplying the output distance and distance2 values.
      • distance function (int [enum]) - An enum indicating which distance function to use, note: currently no dropdown to select the mode. I'm not sure if this is possible and can't look it up since I don't have internet right now.
        • 0 - Euclidean
        • 1 - Euclidean squared
        • 2 - Manhattan
        • 3 - Hybrid (average of 0 and 2)
      • jitter (float) - The randomness of the noise, recommended between 0 and 1, negative values are supported
      • 3d (bool) - Whether the noise is 3D, w from uvw has no effect when 3d is false.
    • Outputs (between 0 and 1, clamped)
      • cell value (float) - A random value for the cell the uvw + offset is closest to. The values of the points are consistent, just like with godot's noise
      • distance (float) - The distance to the closest cell, creates a pattern with black dots
      • distance2 (float) - The distance to the second-closest cell, creates a pattern with black "scratches" or "stars"
  • [PixelNoise3D] Random value per "pixel", pixels are scaled
    • Inputs
      • uvw (vec3) - XYZ texture coordinates
      • offset (vec3) - Same as UVW, added
      • scale (vec3) - The scale of the noise, (1., 1., 1.) would mean one value per whole number. (10., 10., 10.) would mean 10 values per whole number on each axis.
    • Outputs (between 0 and 1)
      • noise (float) - The resulting noise value at uvw + offset

VoronoiNoise3D with jitter at 0, using the cell value output looks like pixel noise, however, it is less efficient to calculate, if you need tv-static like noise, use PixelNoise3D.

This addon provides a few shader nodes. It includes a slightly modified version of PerlinNoise3D, and 2 new implementations of VoronoiNoise3D and PixelNoise3D

To install as an addon, only include the "Addons" folder from this project when importing. This way you only install the shader nodes.


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Quick Information

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NoiseLib icon image

This addon provides a few shader nodes. It includes a slightly modified version of PerlinNoise3D, and 2 new implementations of VoronoiNoise3D and PixelNoise3DTo install as an addon, only include the "Addons" folder from this project when importing. This way you only install the shader nodes.

Supported Engine Version
Version String
License Version
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Modified Date
5 days ago
Issue URL

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

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