Vector Shape Nodes

An asset by SquiggelSquirrel
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Vector Shape Nodes

These scripts allow vector shapes (i.e. curve path with fill and/or stroke) to be created and controlled by Node2D points and handles.This allows shapes to be tweened easily using AnimationPlayer, etc.The stroke width can also be set on each point.

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1 year ago
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Create shapes with fill/stroke from Node2D control points

Note: As of 1.7.0 I recommend using with the Bit Flags Editor plugin:


  • Defines the path to fill/stroke
  • Add VectorPoint nodes for each point on the path
  • Emits the shape_changed signal when the path changes
  • Emits the stroke_data_changed signal when the stroke widths and/or colors change
  • Sets the default bake interval for the shape
  • Has editor-preview-only color settings for handle-in, handle-out and path
  • Uses VectorPoint to define stroke widths & colors, and specific bake intervals
  • Can define an array of tag name strings (only for editor UI purposes), for use with VectorPoint "tags" bitmask


  • Defines a single point in a vector path
  • Use as child of VectorPath or VectorPointGroup
  • Add VectorHandle nodes to define the vector in/out
  • Can specify a stroke width and/or color
    • (will only apply to VectorStroke nodes with use_data_nodes_width or use_data_nodes_color set
  • Can specify a bake interval for outgoing edge
    • When set to 0.0, use default value specified on VectorPath node
  • Supports different handle types:
    • NONE: no handles
    • IN: one handle, defines vector in only
    • OUT: one handle, defines vector out only
    • BOTH: two handles, first defines vector in, second defines vector out
    • MIRROR IN: one handle, defines vector in. Vector out is reflection of vector in
    • MIRROR OUT: one handle, defines vector out. Vector in is reflection of vector out
    • IN OUT: one handle, defines vector in and vector out as same vector
  • Points and handles use position relative to VectorPath, so rotating/scaling a VectorPoint can change the handle position
  • Has an integer bitmask of tags, which can be used by fill and stroke to filter for different sub-paths


  • Defines vector in/out for a VectorPoint (see above)
  • Has an integer bitmask of tags, which can be used by fill and stroke to filter for different sub-paths


  • Abstract class defining shared behaviour of VectorPoint and VectorHandle


  • Use as child of VectorPath or another VectorPointGroup
  • Usually contains one or more VectorPoints and/or other VectorPointGroups
  • Allows one or more VectorPoints to be moved, rotated, and/or scaled together


  • Fills a VectorPath
  • Set path_node_path to the NodePath of the VectorPath
  • Call update_fill to update
  • Commonly you would connect the VectorPath shape_changed signal to the update_fill method
  • Has an integer mask (normally I would only set one bit) to specify which VectorControls to use


  • Strokes a VectorPath
  • Set path_node_path to the NodePath of the VectorPath
  • Call update_shape to update the shape
  • Call update_data to update stroke widths and/or colors:
    • (only if using use_data_nodes_width or use_data_nodes_color)
  • Extends Line2D, so also accepts textures, etc.
  • Can stroke part of a path - use start/end to define start and end points
    • These accept negative values and wrap
    • These also now accept floating values, and will interpolate along the path between points
  • Has start_pinch length and end_pinch_length, interpolate the width to 0.0 towards the start/end
    • Lengths are defined as fraction of total stroke length
  • Has use_close_fix, attempts to work around the fact that Line2D cannot be closed by creating a small overlap when the stroke is closed
  • Commonly you would connect the VectorPath shape_changed signal to the update_shape method
  • If using width/color, connect stroke_data_changed to update_data for automatic updates
  • Has an integer mask (normally I would only set one bit) to specify which VectorControls to use


  • Creates a collision polygon from a VectorPath
  • Almost identical to VectorFill
  • Call upadate_polygon to update
  • Connect shape_changed to update_polygon for automatic updates

These scripts allow vector shapes (i.e. curve path with fill and/or stroke) to be created and controlled by Node2D points and handles.
This allows shapes to be tweened easily using AnimationPlayer, etc.
The stroke width can also be set on each point.


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Vector Shape Nodes icon image
Vector Shape Nodes

These scripts allow vector shapes (i.e. curve path with fill and/or stroke) to be created and controlled by Node2D points and handles.This allows shapes to be tweened easily using AnimationPlayer, etc.The stroke width can also be set on each point.

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Modified Date
1 year ago
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Released under the AGPLv3 license

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